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Autumn 1


Our music this term has been based on the pop song Happy by Pharrell Williams.  We've listened and appraised to other songs with a similar theme and made comparisons.  Using the glockenspiels, we performed and composed our own music to accompany the song.   Here is a clip of us singing the song with our composition.  

Y6 Kensukes HAPPY

Uploaded by WPS Video on 2022-10-19.

Linking with our creative curriculum topic about World War 1, we have been reading and analysing war poetry written by some of the renowned war poets such as Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen. We then focussed on using figurative language and thought of our own ideas inspired by photographs on World War One. We then planned out our own poems to include figurative language, emotions and narrative about an event in the trenches. We produced our first draft and then edited and redrafted as necessary. This is our final draft. We will then perform our poetry to the class.

We loved making periscopes in Science which helped us understand how light travels in more depth

In Science, we have enjoyed experimenting with torches and targets to prove that light travels in straight lines.

The Kensuke class have made a fantastic start to Year 6 and we're really pleased with the way the children have settled back into school life after the long summer break.  We've been busy reading our class book - Kensuke's Kingdom - and taking part in learning activities based on the story.  In writing lessons we've explored the main characters and will write a biography based around the main character.  We've been exploring vocabulary and making predictions during our guided reading time.  We've used our sketching, cutting, painting and pastel skills to produce some fabulous art work inspired by the book.  
