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Autumn 1

In art we painted our final canopic jars. We did a base layer of white paint then used fine brushes and other colours to add detail.

16.10.23 We had an exciting English lesson in the Forest School where we collected different vocabulary to use in our persuasive letter writing!

11.10.23 In English we have been writing sentences using fronted adverbials.

In science we have been investigating air resistance. We made different sized parachutes and measure how long they took to fall.

In PE we have been practising Netball skills such as throwing, attacking and defending

3.10.23 In maths we have been practising rounding numbers to estimate and check difficult calculations.

27.9.23 In history we have been learning about the Ancient Egyptian social hierarchy and different Egyptian jobs

22.9.23 In art we have been practising different clay techniques. This week we learned how to make a coil pot.

21.9.23 In citizenship we have been discussing what makes a good friend

15.9.23 - Today we have been writing expanded noun phrases to prepare for our writing of character descriptions next week.

We started reading our class book 'How to Train Your Dragon' and created some freeze frames of key events.

We did some teambuilding exercises which required great concentration and control!

To start our learning about the book 'How to Train your Dragon' we designed our own dragons for Stoick the Vast, the leader of the Hairy Hooligan Tribe, and filmed TV adverts to persuade him to choose our team.
