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Autumn 1

People Who Help Us

The Elmers have spent lots of time learning about how to look after themselves and being more independent - Putting on their own coats, finding their own resources along with other important things. 

We then moved on to thinking about who are the people who look after us? Beginning with who looks after us at home and then school. 

This week we have been very lucky to have a special visitor in class. We welcomed Nurse Jowitt who kindly came to talk to us about her job and how she helps people in the community. 

The children listened beautifully to what Nurse Jowitt had to tell them, asked sensible and thoughtful questions and carefully handled the important equipment she brought to share with them. 

Busy, Busy, Busy!

The Elmers have been so busy. We have been getting to know each other, learning new routines, learning new words, learning new rules and we have still found lots of time to have fun!

This week we have been looking at our families. 

We have talked about who is in our family and looked at other families that we know. 

We have also been extending our vocabulary to learn the special names that we call people in our family and extended families.

Our book of the week is ...

'Guess How Much I Love You'

Please find below a link to listen to the story again. 




The children have had lots of fun getting to know their class story 'Elmer'

We have listened to the story and have enjoyed looking at the pictures and talking about the characters. 

We have been able to link the story to lots of our learning.

We talked about how Elmer was different to the other elephants in the story and how we are all different. We have looked carefully at the differences we have looking in the mirror at our facial features and using our language to describe what we can see.

We have also looked at the colours on Elmer and used our maths skills to match the different patches on his skin. 

Please enjoy looking at the photos of our learning and is you would like to listen to the story again we have added a link below. 


Welcome Back!

What a few days we have had back in Elmers. The children have grown up so much over the holidays. We have had a very settled return with lots of talking, playing and fun while getting back into our routines and what superstars the children have been.

Here is a quick snap shot of some of the fun we have had so far with lots, lots more to come. 

Well Done Elmers

