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Autumn 1 Surviving the Stone Age

- Week 1 -


We have had a fantastic first few days getting to know the new Y3 Aslan class and are really pleased with the way children have settled back into school life. It is so lovely to see our classroom filled with smiley faces again! We have been busy exploring our class book, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. The children have enjoyed getting into character as the evacuees, packing their suitcases and creating their own magical worlds within a wardrobe. 

We have also practised our colour mixing skills in order to create our Aslan artwork. 

We made our very own origami lion bookmarks ready for all the books we're going to read this year! 

If you would like to have a go at making a different animal at home, click HERE to watch the video tutorial. 

We also had a very exciting assembly with Mr Wallis and the Walkley Sorting Hat where the children found out which of our four houses (Porter, Rivelin, Loxley and Sheaf) they were in! 

We hope all the children have a good rest over the weekend ready for another busy and exciting week! 

- Week 2 -

In Maths this week, we have been revisiting numbers to 100. We have been representing these numbers using different equipment and using our understanding to solve problems. 

If you'd like to practise some more, have a go at playing Place Value Basketball by clicking HERE.

We had great fun using the iPads to draw Aslan with Ms Solinger. We used different tools and techniques on 'Doodle Buddy' to create amazing representations of Aslan. We will be starting our first Computing unit next week! 

In Art this half term, we will be exploring 'Captivating Cave Art' and developing our drawing skills in order to create our own Stone Age inspired drawings. In our first lesson, we learnt about the Lascaux caves and explored some of the artwork discovered there. 

In our PE lessons, we are developing our fundamental movements skills which help us take part in games, sports and everyday activities. We use them when we walk, jump, ride a bike, eat food, get dressed, brush our teeth, sing and dance. Physical fitness includes many different parts such as agility, balance, co-ordination, speed, stamina and strength. In our first lesson, we took on a series of balance challenges. Here we are in action...!


- Week 3 -

In English, we are learning how to write an effective setting description. We have stepped into Lucy's shoes from our class book 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' and acted out an extract from the book where she finds the magical wardrobe and travels to the magical land of Narnia for the very first time. We have also watched this part of the story from the movie and noticed a few differences between this and the original text! 

In Music, we are exploring the song Let Your Spirit Fly by Joanna Mangona. 


Just close your eyes and think about a world that’s wrong,

Without a sound, without a song,

Then move your hands and feet and let your spirit fly,

With music you can reach the sky,


We raise our voices to sing,

Listen, hear the beauty they bring!

Singing and playing all together having fun,

There’s a place for everyone.

We have been blown away with the amazing creative homework brought in this week! More photos to follow....!

- Week 4 -

This week, we took part in a very exciting workshop with The History Van - Surviving the Stone Age!

We learnt how archaeologists studied artefacts to learn about these prehistoric times and how a group of miners made an unusual discovery....

We created our own cave art which included crushing chalk to make our own paint .....

Keeping warm by the fire...

Sheffield Diving, in partnership with Swim England and British Diving, invited Walkley Primary School to take
part in an exciting initiative designed to unearth Sheffield’s next generation of Olympians. We took part in some agility exercises and learnt about diving. The coaches even showed us a backflip!

- Week 5 -

This week, our Art lesson took place up in Forest School. We had a go at recreating the famous prehistoric artwork found in Argentina in Cueva de las Manos (Cave of Hands). We created our own hand stencils then used chalk (and mud and leaves!) to create our artwork. 


- Week 6 -

In History, we have been learning about the historical significance of Stonehenge. This huge man-made circle of standing stones, built by our ancestors over many hundreds of years beginning in the late Stone Age, is one of the world's most famous prehistoric monuments...and one of it's biggest mysteries, too! Work started on this super stone circle around 5,000 years ago in the late Neolithic Age – but it took over 1,000 years to build, in four long stages! Archaeologists believe the final changes were made around 1,500BC, in the early Bronze Age. After discussing different theories, we had a go at recreating this impressive monument using....biscuits! 

In English, we have been exploring the book 'Stone Age Boy' by Satoshi Kitamura. We have been practising 'scooping' phrases to improve our reading fluency and enjoyed acting out the opening of the story. We worked with a partner to create a story map to help us orally retell the story. 

- Week 7 -

In art this week, we have put all of our art skills into practice and have completed our captivating cave art! I'm sure you will agree that the artwork is fantastic and highly realistic! 
