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Autumn 1 Surviving the Stone Age

- Week 1 -


We have had a fantastic first week getting to know the new Y3 Aslan class and are really pleased with the way children have settled back into school life. It is so lovely to see our classroom filled with smiley faces again! We have been busy exploring our class book, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. The children have enjoyed getting into character as the evacuees, packing their suitcase and creating their own magical worlds within a wardrobe. We have also visited the Creative Zone and practised our colour mixing in order to create our Aslan artwork. We hope all the children have a good rest over the weekend ready for another busy and exciting week! 

We made our very own origami lion bookmarks ready for all the books we're going to read this year! 

If you would like to have a go at making a different animal at home, click HERE to watch the video tutorial. 

We also had a very exciting assembly with Mr Wallis and the Walkley Sorting Hat where the children found out which of our four houses (Porter, Rivelin, Loxley and Sheaf) they were in! 

- Week 2 - 

If you'd like to practise some more, have a go at playing Place Value Basketball by clicking HERE.

This afternoon, we took on the roles of director, costume manager and actor in order to film a scene from 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe'. After a quick rehearsal, we headed down to the studio to film using the green screen.

We also watched part of a video which showed the real filming which took place! If you'd like to watch more, click HERE

Click HERE to watch the video about how a green screen works. 

- Week 3 - 

In Literacy, we have published our first piece of writing, 'Through the Wardrobe' inspired by our class book.

Here are some examples of our fantastic work: 

In History, we have been learning about timelines and the concept of chronology. We learnt what the terms BC and AD stand for and how historians use timelines to show the chronology of key time periods and events. I was so impressed with your knowledge of the past Aslans and the discussions you had in your groups! 

In Maths, we have been learning about the place value of digits in numbers up to 1000. We enjoyed making numbers using Base 10 and recapping 1 more, 1 less and 10 more, 10 less. 

This week, we have started our first Design Technology project, Super Sandwiches! In our first lesson, we were investigating existing products and thinking about the purpose of a sandwich - why do we make them? The Aslans came up with some fantastic suggestions about sandwiches being quick and easy to prepare, easy to eat without any cutlery and portable - perfect for a packed lunch or a picnic! 

- Week 4 - 

We kicked the week off with an exciting visit from 'The History Van'. During our 'Surviving the Stone Age' workshop, the children explored how people survived life shortly after the last Ice Age. They learnt about the lives of these early hunter-gatherers, discovered how they found and prepared food, made clothes and tools, kept warm, communicated, traded and their different beliefs. The children were given the opportunity to use stone tools and make stone-headed arrows. They also correctly identified 12,000-year-old bones to discover what animals lived at that time and made cave art paintings from ground stone!

Wow Aslans! We have been blown away by your creative homework so far. Here are some of the amazing Stone Age house models you have been busy making at home...

In Guided Reading, we have been practising our inference and prediction. We have enjoyed reading the book, Stone Age boy by Satoshi Kitamura. Here is a video link to the story if you'd like to listen to it again. 

In Science, we carried out our investigation testing different materials to see which created more friction. From our results, we were able to conclude that smoother surfaces create less friction and rougher surfaces create more friction. 

- Week 5 - 

In Literacy, we published our instructions for 'How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth'. Here are some examples of our fantastic writing...

In Science, we explored how magnets interact with other objects. We learnt that the magnetic force acts at a distance and can attract (pull) and repel (push). We discovered that magnets can attract a paperclip even through a piece of card! 

- Week 6 - 

In DT, we were learning how to hygienically and safely prepare ingredients using different cutting techniques. We will be using these skills next week when we design and make our own healthy sandwiches. 

- Week 7 - 

Super Sandwiches!

Just for info:

If anyone is going to London over half term, there is a new production of our class book 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' currently showing at London's Gillian Lynne Theatre. You can watch the trailer below....
