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Autumn 2 Hola Mexico

- Week 1 - 


* Feliz dia de los Muertos Year 3 *

The children have enjoyed a fantastic first day back celebrating the Mexican festival 'Day of the Dead'. They have been busy decorating our classroom with vibrant marigolds and intricate Papel Picado as well as drawing, designing and decorating traditional sugar skulls known as calaveras. 

Mexican movie night with Miss Wieczorek's incredible ice cream parlour! 
In Literacy, we have been writing a recount of our dia de los muertos celebrations. We published our writing on traditional sugar skulls.

Time to Eat!


In Spanish this half term, we will be learning about food. Today we listened to two stories el ratón glotón (the greedy mouse) and la oruga muy hambrienta (the very hungry caterpillar).

- Week 2 - 


In Geography this week, we used atlases and maps of different scales to locate continents, countries and cities.  We also really enjoyed looking at Google Earth: we located Walkley Primary School and then zoomed out and around the world to locate Mexico! 

Having already mastered column addition, we have been practising mentally adding two numbers efficiently by looking for near doubles or using partitioning to find number bonds to 10. We put this into practise by playing a game of target noughts and crosses. 

* Children in Need Fundraising *


The Aslans enjoyed dressing up to raise money for BBC's Children in Need. We had a busy day taking part in the Walkley scooter-athon, decorating biscuits, demolishing Pudsey bears and dancing with Amy. Today was also World Kindness Day - to celebrate, we 'paid' for our Pudsey biscuits by writing kind words about each other and posting them in our box of kindness. What a lovely way to end another fantastic week - well done Aslans! 

- Week 3 - 


We've been learning facts about Mexico and sorting them into Physical and Human geography. Did you know the highest mountain is called Pico de Orizaba and is 5636 tall? The longest river is called Rio Grande which means Great River in Spanish. 

- Week 4 - 


We've been learning about the different climate zones of Mexico. We had lots of enjoyment making our own maps out of modelling clay to show the different zones.  The results were really impressive!

In maths, we have been learning all about subtraction and using number lines and base10 to help us subtract 3-digit numbers! We have all worked incredibly hard and have shown a really strong understanding of subtraction! 


I would like to say a huge thank you to all of the parents and carers that contributed their time and efforts so generously in providing the tombola jars!


We were blown away by the amount that we received.

Way to go Aslans!


Diving straight into the Christmas spirit! 



- Week 5 - 


This week, we have been reading the Mexican folk story 'The Legend of the Poinsettia'. We will be finding out more about this Christmas plant in order to write an information text.

* A Walkley World Record *


Wow Aslans, we are so unbelievably proud of you all for achieving your Bronze spelling awards this week. You are such a fantastic team and have encouraged each other to achieve this. You have been so determined from the start and should be extremely proud of yourselves! A big thank you to all the grown ups too for your help at home.


- Week 6 - 


In art, we have been learning how to draw poinsettia. We will be using our finished artwork to make our calendars.

Watch the video below to have a go at home!

In Maths, we have been revising multiplication and division. We have looked at division by sharing and grouping and practised recording this on a number line. Super work Aslans! 



In Spanish, we have been learning some Christmas vocabulary and singing Christmas songs.

- Week 7 - 

In Literacy, we have been editing our poinsettia fact files ready for publishing this week - watch this space!

Mexico Posters

​​​​​This term, we've been learning about the geographical features of Mexico. We've worked in groups to present the facts in these interactive posters.  We're so impressed with these Aslans - well done!


The Legendary Poinsettia

Still image for this video

¡Feliz Navidad!


Well done Aslans on a fantastic first term!

Enjoy a well-earned rest and we look forward to seeing you all in the New Year in our brand new classroom!!
