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Autumn 2

Week 7

Well done to our Golden Book winners of the week! You are all amazing and we are super proud of you!

We have made it to the end of term! What a lot we have done already! We have been getting festive this week and have been looking at a holidays advert in our guided reading. We read the ssong lyrics and thought about how music is used in films to further express the character's emotions and actions. We had a go at reading the lyrics and singing along. You can watch the original animation that we used and see a sample of our lovely singing. 

Y3 Borrowers Guided Reading

Uploaded by WPS Video on 2022-12-13.

THE STEPDAD | Disney Christmas Advert 2021 | Official Disney UK

We are proud to reveal our Christmas advert, a heart-warming new story; #TheStepdad. This year's story follows Nicole, the granddaughter from last year's ad, who is now all grown up with a family to make Christmas traditions with. We follow her and her two adorable children, Max and Ella, as their new stepdad Mike moves into their family home.

We made our calendars this afternoon and thought about how we could reflect the seasons in an abstract form. We looked at seasonal colours and used our littlre fingers to produce seasonal tones. Hope yours will hang somewhere soon!

Week 6

Well done to our Golden Book winners of the week! You are all amazing and we are super proud of you!

Forest School!

The Borrowers were able to spend a chilly afternoon out in Forest School on Friday, where we treasure-hunted words to make sentences. It turns out, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." (all 26 letters of the alphabet), "My brother drives a big red bus in London." ( he doesn't really), "Next week is the end of term." and "Some teachers eat their lunch with chop sticks under a desk." (but we're not saying who...)

We then had a to find items from a list, which turned out to be quite tricky in the wintery landscape!

Hot news! Back by popular demand...Walkley's Got Talent!

Are you a dancer? A singer? Do you have skills? Can you make a rabbit disappear? Are your jokes epic? If the answer to any of these questions is "Yes!", then you're just the kind of person we will need on Friday 16th December 2022, when you will have the chance to show off your talents to the rest of Key Stage 2. You can be a solo act or a group. You can mix it up with friends from other classes. All you need to do to take part is to give your class teacher some vital information by Friday 9th December;

Your own name, and those of other people in your act (and which class they're in), your act's name, what you will be doing and how long you think your performance will last. If you need music, please give us accurate information about the artist and the song/tune. There will be mats on the floor, but if you need anything else (e.g. a table or a chair), please also tell your teacher. You can only take part in one act.

If your act impresses the panel of (not very) scary judges, you might even win a prize!

We're looking forward to seeing what you've got!

This week, the Borrowers have made their super sandwiches! We applied all of our skills about safely using kitchen equipemtn and made and then ate some delicious sandwiches!

The Y3s and Y4s have been working extremely hard on their performance of 'The Grinch who Stole Christmas' and performed in their first dress rehearsal on Monday. We are all very excited about our performances on Thursday and can't wait to see you there! Here's a little sneak peak to get you excited!

LKS2 The Grinch Trailer

Uploaded by WPS Video on 2022-12-05.

Our trip to St Bart's this morning was a lovely way to think about the Christmas story. The children took part in the nativity and then stayed for a drink and a biscuit. It all felt very merry!

Week 5

Well done to our Golden Book winners of the week! You are all amazing and we are super proud of you!

Y3 Borrowers Spanish Dance 1

On Friday, the Borrowers had their first chance to try out the costumes for the Spanish dancing they have been learning with Miss. Burton from DazzleDance. We're looking forward to seeing the final, polished performance! Watch this space...

Team Building Class Wide Reward! Look what we can build when we work together!

We have been working very hard on rehearsing our songs for the Christmas performance of The Grinch. Please find the song books attached so that you can practice at home. 

How the Grinch stole Christmas Audiobook by Dr. Seuss @ Book in Bed

How the Grinch stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss @ Book in Bed

In PE, we have been learning how to roll. We learned barrel rolls, straight rolls  and forward rolls. We then put thses together to create short routines. 

Y3 Borrowers Gymnastics

Uploaded by WPS Video on 2022-11-29.

Week 4

Well done to our Golden Book winners of the week! You are all amazing and we are super proud of you!

We have now finished our Stone Age poems and we have been publishing them using stop motion animation! We storyboarded our ideas and then used the iPads to film our animations. We then recorded the audio of our poems. I'm sure you will agree  that they look amazing!

Y3 Borrowers Stone Age Sound Collector Poem

Uploaded by WPS Video on 2022-11-28.

In DT, we completed a sensory evaluation of some sandwich ingredients. We thought about ingredients based on their appearance, smell, taste and texture. The children were great at trying things and had some very strong opinions.

Week 3

Well done to our Golden Book winners of the week! You are all amazing and we are super proud of you!

For anti bullying week we focused on positive aspects of ourselves and friendship. We thought about what made us special and what made us awesome. We then worked collaboratively to discuss how to be an amazing friend.

We have nearly finished writing our Stone Age sound poems! We looked at an existing poem and then substituted themes with our own ideas. We shared ideas and practiced finding rhyming pairs. I'm sure they are going to sound amazing!

In PE we have started learning gymnastic skills, practicing jumping with poise. We landed with control and made sure that we looked very professional!

Week 2

Well done to our Golden Book winners of the week! You are all amazing and we are super proud of you!

We have started a poetry unit in English and to get us ready to write our own poems, we listened to and performed Roger McGough's poem, 'The Sound Collector'. we read with fluency and added actions to help us memorise the text. 

Y3 Borrowers 'The Sound Collector' Poem

Roger McGough reads 'The Sound Collector'

Enjoy Roger McGough reading one of his favourite poems 'The Sound Collector', included in his 80th birthday anthology '80'.

in computing, we have been thinking about what makes a good poster, before we start to make our own posters about friendship. Today we learned some focused skills of inserting text into a document. We experimented with colour, font and size and gave each other some push ups along the way.

Week 1

Well done to our Golden Book winners of the week! You are all amazing and we are super proud of you!

In guided reading this week we have been looking at a Michael Rosen poem, I was Born in the Stone Age. We listened to Michael Rosen recite his poem and then practiced our fluency to try and perform with confidence. 

I Was Born in the Stone Age | POEM | Kids' Poems and Stories With Michael Rosen

Y3 Borrowers Perform With Fluency

Uploaded by WPS Video on 2022-11-02.

In DT we have started our 'Super Sandwiches' project. We looked at different types of sandwiches and discussed how they were made and the different benefits of various types. We can't wait to start learning the skills involved with creating our own!
