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Autumn 2 - Greece and Rome

We had a very special visitor come to visit us today...

Well Done to all of KS2 for the Christmas performance last week! 

We hope you enjoyed our take on the 12 days of Christmas. 


Design and Technology


For our DT project this half term we made Roman catapults. 

First we designed our ideas then made them using wood by sawing and gluing them together. 


Today, we put  to our catapults into action, firing a range of items to see what could go the furthest. 

Unfortunately,  some of them did break but luckily Mr Evans came to the rescue and glued them back together (Thank You Mr Evans!!!)

Y4 took this as a learning curve when evaluating their catapults as they started to understand if we were to make a catapult again what we could do differently to make it stronger.

Hopefully this will help us with our next DT project.....




Forest School 

Day 1

For our first day in forest school we did some Drama!!


We learnt about Julius Caesars unprepared attack on Britannia in 55BC. 

We acted out the training the Romans had to endure and the voyage on boats to the new unexplored island. 

We also acted out and did freeze frames for the Celts who had unexpected strangers visit their lands. After an unsuccessful attack, Caesar retreated his legion back to Gaul. We discussed what the Celts would be doing and how they would be feeling. So, we made shelters to protect ourselves from the next imminent attack from the Romans in 54BC. 

We left our drama on a cliffhanger..

What do you think happened next?

Do you think the Romans stayed? 

What did the Celts do?

Day 2

Today we continued our drama, we learnt about Julius Caesars failure to conquer Britannia.

We also learn about Emperor Claudius's journey to finally conquer Britannia in 41 AD. 

We made catapults to help Claudius's army take over the Britons.

Catapult 1

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Catapult 2

Still image for this video

Day 3

Today, we used imovie on ipads to create our very own movie trailer.


Following recent learning about the Romans, Y4 were set the task of creating a trailer to encourage people to join the Roman army. When working together in small groups, some children decided to change their trailer to a narrative following soldiers in training or to lead up to a battle.


Most groups managed to finish, so here are our final trailers - Sit back, relax and enjoy!!

Group 1

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Group 2

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Group 3

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Group 4

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Group 5

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Group 6

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Group 7

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Group 8

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Group 9

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Day 3

On our final day of Forest School we had a class wide reward party with Mr Butler!

Mr Butler took us through an adventure in Forest School with small people! We had to protect ourselves from the magic dragons which had scared the little people away by making wristbands out of dragon breath!

We then made little people homes!

We finished our forest school off with some hot chocolate and marshmallows! 



Linking in with our Science 'Animals and Living things', today Y4 had a fantastic opportunity to hold, feed and stroke a  Lesser Tenrec, a British Hedgehog, a Bearded Dragon, Snake, Meerkat, Armadillo and Raccoon. 

What a brilliant afternoon!!

We will be writing our own Non-Chronological report on one of the animals we got to handle! 

Y4's very own ancient Greek factual TV shows!!

We have been trying to answer the question 'How did the ancient Greeks change the world?' .

We learnt that life as we know it today is massively influenced by the ancient Greeks following ideas such as Democracy, the Olympics, architecture and even the first library!

We created our own TV shows informing others about the impact the Greeks had on the world!

Here is a sneak peek...

Group 1 -2.mp4

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Group 1.mp4

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Group 2.mp4

Still image for this video

Ancient Greek Pottery

We have been recreating a Greek pot to help Mrs Wordsworth (A cleaner at the British History Museum who broke a pot while cleaning!). We made pinch pots using clay then used cut and slip to stick on handles and a base. 

We then spent a long time paining the pots in metallic golds and browns. We were very careful to paint in all the cracks! 

Take a look at us making them!
