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Citizenship (RSHE, PSHE and online safety)

Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE), Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) and online safety is the aspect of the curriculum concerned with the process of growing up and maturing physically and emotionally. Our aim is that children are prepared to meet the range of changes in their lives with accurate information and the confidence and skills to make healthy choices.

The materials used through school are those commonly used in schools within the city and are available for parents and carers to view and discuss. Topics covered include:

Families and friendships

Forming healthy relationships

Physical health and mental wellbeing

Exploring personal identity and emotions

Identifying stereotypes and prejudice

Reducing discrimination and bullying

Celebrating diversity and promoting equity

Learning about community and governance

Online Behaviour and information sharing

Understanding and safely using digital and social media

Understanding nationality and belonging

Exploring cultures, traditions and religious perspectives

Understanding puberty (physical and mental changes)

Sex Education (optional in Year 6)


Parents and carers have the right to withdraw their children from sex education, but we would, as ever, encourage any parent or carer to discuss their concerns with the school first.
