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Other Creative Activities

Fathers Day

Fathers Day is Sunday the 21st of June. Here are some ideas for cards to make.

Chocolate Chip Cookies

This recipe is by special request.  The cookies are really fun to make and sooooooo delicious - especially when they are still warm from the oven! I think you will really enjoy making (and eating!) them too.  If you'd like to share photos of your cookies or you making them click here. We'd love to see them!

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Type into google or Youtube 'Drawing on you back challenge' and give it a try with someone at home!!
Pom Pom Making

How to make a Pom Pom - Save the Children UK

You could even try making a Pom Pom rug!!


After talking to some of you on the phone last week a few children mentioned they really enjoyed cooking and would like to do more. Below are some links to some useful websites for recipes you could follow at home. 

Take a look and see what you fancy making!

Blanket Forts

IKEA have posted 6 ways you can make your very own blanket fort at home!

You might not have all the items but you can use whatever you have at home. 

Be sure to get an adult to help.




With or without violins 

Heather (our violin teacher) has set up everyone in Fantastic Foxes with their very own Charanga account. 

This is a fantastic website with lots of different games and activities to practice your musical tempo and beats at home. You don't need to own a violin to access the great games on this website.

To get your own personal username and password to access the website please email where I will be able to give it you. 


A Spanish story from Y3 Miss Morecroft 'La Noche de los Piratas' I thought you might enjoy listening and reading!


Hello Foxes, Miss Travis here with some art for you to have a go at.  You'll need some paper, paints and brushes.  Have a look at the video first - it's a time lapse of my daughter completing one step by step.  You could do the same detail or choose something different. You could maybe look at the sunset outside to get some inspiration, or you could google 'silhouette art painting' for some ideas.  Trees work really well! Please share your work on this form. Enjoy!

Silhouette Sunset

LO: To use paint to produce a wash and then add detail
I can remember to -
For the background wash:
Add water to the paint
Use a thick/wide brush with long sweeping movement across the page
Test the colour out on some scrap paper first
For the detail
Leave the background to dry completely
Light sketch the outline with a pencil if necessary
Use black paint with a thin brush



I've been seeing some fantastic art online all to do with your hands!

Some of these we've done already at school this year. Why don't you give them a try.

3D Hand Art

How To: Draw 3D Hand!

You draw the outline of your hand and then, while drawing a straight line, you curve the line when it meets the contour of your hand. This is how you draw a ...

Draw different animals with your hand

Easy Drawing Tricks | Palm Art Hacks | Drawing Ideas For Kids | WowKidz Fun N Learn

To watch more DIY videos, click on the link given below: Easy Drawing Tricks | Palm Art Hacks | Drawing Ideas For Kids | WowKidz Fun N...

Family Hand Watercolour

How to Make Hand Print Safari Animals Using Acrylic Paint and your hand

How to Make Hand Print Safari Animals Using Acrylic Paint

How To Make Shadow Puppets With Your Hand

This guide shows you How To Make Shadow Puppets With Your Hand Watch This and Other Related films here:

Calling all young artists! It’s competition time!

Please click on this link to find out about the Bourlet Young Masters Art Prize in support of the Cavell Nurses’ Trust.

You need to act fast though – the deadline for submissions in this Friday 1st May. To enter, you need to ask a grown up to post a photo of your artwork on Instagram (see the website for details).  You could create your artwork this week or post something you have already created. There are no restrictions on the subject and the image can be painted, drawn or scribbled, using any kind of media. Use your imagination!

If you would like some inspiration you can look on the bitesize website.

If you enter the competition, please spend a minute to fill out this feedback form and upload your work. Thank you and good luck!

Upload photos of your work from this page by CLICKING HERE.

Outside Activities

Wow! Well isn't the weather just lovey!!

If you have the facilities to go outside you must try some of these outdoor activities!!

Nature Adventures for children - Stick-ionary

Recreate the classic family board game pictionary, but instead of using paper and pencils use whatever you can find in the garden to make your pictures. You ...

Art and Maths! What a fantastic combination!

What you need:

Squared paper


Coloured crayons

What you need to do:

  1. On your squared paper. Draw a box around 4 small squares to make one big square.
  2. In each big square you can only write on number or symbol.
  3. Write out a number sentence.
  4. Then write another in the square below but move to the left.
  5. Do that 4 times.
  6. Then start a new line but move the square to the right.
  7. Once you’ve written the number sentence 7 times draw an outline around everything you’ve done.
  8. Finally, start colouring but the pattern needs to be consistent.

Scroll through the pictures below to look at the start of mine then use the final designs to spark ideas. Get creative as possible!!

Use these multiplication facts.

  • 6x7 = 42
  • 9x4 =36
  • 8x6 =48
  • 9 x 7 = 63

Lila's Home Learning!

Bridge Building

All you need is some paper, a toy car and some paper clips to get you on your way..

This is Lila's bridge she made. You can see she followed our bridge designs we did at school!

Mr Evan's Monster Making

Lila's Monster called Pumpkin head who lives in a shed..

Easter Activities 

Click on the links and watch the videos to exciting activities you can try over the Easter Break. 

Why don't you try writing of diary of what you've been up to so we can share it with the class when we are back at school.



Easter is next weekend! Can you believe it? Time flies! Cute grass in the eggshels, napkin bunnies and naturally dyed eggs! Check out these great decoration ...

No-sew Sock Bunny - Easter Craft Ideas

Watch our video tutorial to see instructions how to make a sock bunny without sewing. No needle, no pattern needed! Just one sock, bag of rice, ribbon, sciss...


Good Morning Year 4,

Heather (our violin teacher) has been in contact with me. She is missing teaching you and has sent me some activities you can try at home without your violin using our Ta, Te-Te and Sh. Click on the document below and have a go. 

If you do have a violin at home and would like some work so you can practice please email where Heather can email you some work. 

Enjoy the rest of your day!

Miss Kendall


Halle Orchestra Activities
Hello Fantastic Foxes, Miss Travis here. Really missed seeing all your smiling faces on Tuesday.  Click on the link below for some follow up activities from the Halle Orchestra trip. Enjoy!   

Try drawing your very own Fantastic Fox
