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How our curriculum has evolved

Our curriculum has been carefully designed, planned and organised by the Walkley teaching teams to ensure that what lies at the heart of our curriculum: purposeful, contextualised learning that links sequenced and progressive subject specific knowledge and skills, is delivered through an enquiry based approach to teaching and learning.  We aim for our curriculum to inspire, challenge and excite all children. Staff are fully involved in the design, planning and implementation of the curriculum, sequencing key concepts through school, bringing their own knowledge and skills to the process. We have created new and exciting learning experiences for the children. Flexibility of timetables and bespoke learning environments allow teachers to explore subjects in depth providing opportunities for a mastery level of understanding. Subject policies are written in collaboration within Champion Teams and then knitted by teachers into the wider curriculum we deliver. Revisiting key skills in different contexts, provides children with opportunities to commit knowledge to their long term memories, whilst making connections with prior learning.
