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8th June 2020

Please listen to Mrs C reading this superb collection of poems. What words do you notice that rhyme? Which was your favourite sea creature?(mine is the angel fish!) Could you write and illustrate a poem about an animal on land or sea? Finally, did you spot all the star fish hiding on each page?!

20.5.20 The Snail and the Whale

I hope you enjoyed this magnificent story. Also here is the link for the excellent cartoon adaptation. Can you see any differences? Also you might like to write the story as a script or as a diary entry from either the snail or whales's perspective.

Monday's story! 18.5.20

Mrs C's fraction story!

Please write down the words which rhyme. For example,  too and through or share and fair

Story The Selfish Crocodile

Story time!

Monday 11th of May 2020

Please practise and develop your Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar skills (SPaG) with this super game:

Now please practise your skills of using commas in a list with these brilliant activities. Remember to not use a comma next to and.

A classic story from Mrs C! 7.5.20

4 May 2020

Mrs Chetcuti's latest story telling masterpiece!

After listening to the story please could you do one of these tasks.


1. Write a newspaper article based on the story explaining the misunderstood wolf's story.

2. Make a comic which summarises the story

3. Draw a picture of your favourite part of the story and write about why it appealed to you.

Please check that you have spelt any words on this list correctly

Well done LM for a terrific story! Please share your stories by either attaching them on a google form or send it to

Y2 Mrs C - Dinosaurs

Another brilliant story from Mrs C which you can enjoy and write about!

27 April 2020

Please listen to Mrs Chetcuti's story and then write it in your own words. You could also make illustrations. Finally try and use some of these key Year 2 spelling words in your writing



If you are interested in poetry this is a free competition to enter on the theme of 'hope'. The deadline is very soon I'm afraid (1st May) but it might be something nice to work on with a grown up, even if you don't enter! Please send in any completed poems, we would love to read them!


Along the same theme, you can read some great stories and poems by children's authors about hope online in this new book:




Here are some fun SPaG games to play:


Using capital letters, full stops and conjunctions:

