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Marvellous Maths

- Autumn 1 -


Week 1 - Number: Place Value - Recognising numbers up to 1000

Week 2 - Number: Place Value - Recognising the value of a digit in a 3-digit number

Week 3 - Number: Place Value - Finding 1, 10 and 100 more or less than a number. 
Week 4 - Number: Place Value - Ordering numbers
Week 5 - Number: Addition - Mental addition - adding 1s (crossing 10)
Week 6 - Number: Addition - Adding and subtracting multiples of 10

- Autumn 2 -


Week 1 - Number: Addition - Column Addition (1)

Week 2 - Number: Addition - Column Addition (2)
Week 3 - Subtraction - finding the missing piece to 100 (Jigsaw numbers)
Week 4 - Subtraction - finding the difference using a two-jump numberline

- Spring 2 - 

Week 4 - Fantastic Fractions!

While we're not able to see your marvellous maths homework in person, we would love to see a photograph of your work!

You can upload your photos HERE.


Fantastic work Y3s! 

Week 5 - Fantastic Fractions - quarters and thirds!

We would love to see a photograph of your marvellous maths work! You can upload your photos HERE.

- Summer 1 -

Week 1 - Fantastic Fractions - making the whole!

We would love to see a photograph of your marvellous maths work! You can upload your photos HERE.
