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Spring 1

The Gruffalos answered the question set at the start of term: "Can we grow our own salad?" Although some seeds failed to germinate and some plants barely grew, others have thrived. We all enjoyed a lovely salad which included cress, water cress, basil, mint, sweet pea and lettuce. All the Gruffalos tried the food and many loved it!

We have been busy in the forest school today! The class designed and painted their magic wands which were the correct length according to the ministry of magic (15 to 30 cm long!). Also we molded a small person from clay and then designed and built a shelter for them. The Gruffalos showed brilliant teamwork, problem solving and estimation skills with some constructing quite luxurious accommodation!

The Gruffalos celebrated the year of the pig in style with fans, red ribbons and a Chinese dragon. Many thanks Amy!

The Gruffalos have been so lucky to have Amy from Dazzle Dance lead our PE lessons this term. We have incorporated gymnastics moves such as "the dish", "the pike" and "the tuck" in our dance. Please check out these expressive and energetic Gruffalos in the pictures below!

Let's have a go at these symmetry games!!

Here is a fantastic site full of games to practise your 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables (year 2 targets)!!! Once you feel confident with those time tables you can challenge yourself with the 4,6,7,8,9,11 and 12 times tables.


Best of luck and have fun!      (scroll down to find the games!)



Here is a short powerpoint of last year's Whirlow farm residential for those of you who want to know more!

The Gruffalos have planted radish, lettuce, spring onion, sweet pea and cress seeds for our lovely salad which we will hopefully eat in 5 weeks time. Let's hope the seeds germinate and grow!

We are continuing our amazing coding work. The children are now using loop tools for their algorithms.

In science this term, we will be studying and experimenting how plants grow. Here is a fun activity to do before we plant our seeds next week in an attempt to grow our own salad by the end of term.

The gruffalos did a great job measuring the capacity of different vessels!
