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Spring 1 - Anglo-Saxons

Welcome to 2020!

I hope you've all had a relaxing and enjoyable Christmas!

Our first week back we have started our new Anglo-Saxon theme and have been finding out about who they were and where they came from!

We have also started our new Science topic 'What happens to the food we eat?' Which is.. of course.. you got it! All about our digestive system!! 



Today, we learnt all about the first part of our digestive system. Our teeth!

Have a look at some of our models of teeth we made using plasticine. 

Each colour represents a different type of tooth. 

Can you remember what their names are? What they look like? and what they do?



                  Class Wide Reward Party!!!

This week Foxes celebrated getting 100 Class Wide Rewards!

We had an afternoon of bike riding, roller skating, playing football and of course.. doing the conga! 

As part of our Creative Curriculum this week, we learnt how the Anglo-Saxons differed from us.

We match Old English statements to English then practised having a conversation using speech bubbles.

We also looked at Anglo-Saxon runes and tried writing our own message.


Continuing with our Science topic, Miss Kendall demonstrated how our digestive system works using a variety of materials. 

The Fantastic Foxes were really engaged and asked interesting scientific questions.

Can you remember which part of the digestive system Miss Kendall is showing?

Is it the small intestine? The mouth? The oesophagus?





What an amazing two nights and three days the Y4's have had at Castleton. I hope you are all well rested and caught up on your sleep and ready to get back into the Learning Zone. Take a look at all the amazing activities we've been up to!




After an exciting coach journey, we arrived at the Youth Hostel in Castleton where we eagerly waited while Mrs Leverton checked us in.

We then explored the grounds where we found some goats and pigs. We had time to relax and play (trying to avoid the mud of course!!) 

We then had lunch and started our very windy 45 minute walk to Treak Cliff Cavern from the hostel. 

We had to climb a lot of stairs to get to the entrance of the Cavern the children were tired but spirits were still high!

Inside the Cavern we learnt all about the history, mining, rock formations and the famous Blue John. It was very damp, chilly and wet inside as you can see we are all wrapped up warm.

We were then joined by our tour guide Tim who guided us on a longer walk back to the hostel. He taught us all about the Celts who used to live on Mam Tor and the lead mines. 
Once arriving back at the hostel, we saw our rooms (very exciting!!) and had our dinner. After this, we had our Gem Panning session where the children had a sieve for gems in sand. Amazingly, all the children got to keep all the gems they found. We don't have many pictures of children looking as they are too busy searching for the treasure!

Then it was time for our journal writing, showers and getting ready for bed. 


Day 2

With most children waking with a spring in their step and excitement for the day (well..Mr Evans took a little longer to wake up!) we headed for our breakfast. Following this, we had our first session of the day.. Bread Making!!

We then made our very own candles by dipping string in hot wax and cold water. We then visited a lead mine in the hostel where we learnt all about the conditions the miners worked in. 
We then spent most the afternoon outside taking part in a Roman Siege and making Siege engines in groups. We re-enacted the Romans invading the Celts and to get into role we had of course... face paint!
In the evening we completed a history timeline where some children got to dress up as invaders.

Day 3

After another windy night, the children were raring to go for their final day at Castleton. We spent the morning completing orienteering of the grounds, having a go at Archery and making fires. As you can see Mr Leverton's group successfully managed to build a fire and were very happy about it. Unfortunately, Miss Kendall's group couldn't say the same after many attempts. Yet, all children were very pleased with their attempts (Making a fire is not as easy as it seems!!).

Thank You Year 4 for a fantastic residential!!!

Back in School

Meanwhile, back in school the children participated in lots of fun activities such as cooking flapjack and biscuits and making their own boxes for them. They also had a go at some archery and cricket as well as doing some observational drawings and making their very own underwater scene with rippling water and fishes. 

Halle Orchestra Lryics

To end our topic of dodgeball in P.E, we had a tournament in teams against each other.

Have a look at us in action!
