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Spring 1 Exploring the Rainforests



- Week 1 - 

This week, in English, we have started reading our brilliant new class book, The Explorer. We have been using our drama skills to act out the dramatic first chapter of the story - The Flight. You can re-listen to the author, Katherine Rundell, reading the first chapter of the book by clicking HERE.

In Art, we have been exploring how an artist uses colour to create different moods and how complementary colours can be used.  We have been developing our painting skills and have learnt how to create a wash and have practised using finer brushes to create detail. We will apply both skills when we create our final pieces inspired by the work of Mexican artist, Frida Kahlo. 

In PE, we have started learning all about Netball. This week, we have learnt about the footwork rule and how to pivot. We also enjoyed watching the highlights from last year's Netball World Cup Final where the Vitality Roses team took on Australia!

In our upcoming lessons, we will be focusing on passing, shooting and how to defend. 

Find out more about netball and follow the Roses here...

- Week 2 - 

This week, in Guided Reading, we are exploring the story of The Lorax by Dr. Seuss....

We enjoyed completing our final pieces in Art this week and attending the fantastic exhibition of the Y3 Borrowers. We are looking forward to exhibiting our paintings next week!

In English, we have been analysing the opening chapter of the Explorer, recapping using conjunctions to link our ideas and learning how to characterise direct speech. We will be using all of these skills next week when we write our own dramatic opening chapters.

- Week 3 - 

This week, we transformed our classroom into a world of colour and hosted our 'Fabulous Frida' Art exhibition. We took on the role of greeters, tour guides and performers as we welcomed guests to our gallery. 

Here are our fabulous final pieces....

We have also been working really hard at finishing our computing projects this week. We composed pieces of music that we thought would fit the mood of Mariokart and then changed the tempo to suit the different clips that we used. I have compiled all of the projects into one clip and I'm sure you will agree that they are very professional! 

In PE, we were developing our movement to lose a defender. We practised defending a 'gate' and driving forwards to receive the ball as attackers. 

Watch the England Roses play on Saturday 27th January HERE


- Week 4 - 

In Geography, we have started our new topic 'Exploring the Rainforests'. IN our first lesson, we explored the question 'Where are the tropical rainforests found?'. We reviewed our learning from Y2 about the Equator and the two hemispheres that our Earth can be split into. We then learnt about two other important lines of latitude the 'Tropic of Cancer' and the 'Tropic of Capricorn'. We created our own maps using various maps and atlases to locate the world's tropical rainforests. We found that the tropical rainforests are located within the 'tropics' (between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn). 

Our trip to the library gave us a lovely opportunity to explore books and develop our love of books! We had a wonderful time and hope that all of the children will continue to visit the library and take out books to read at home.

In English, we are learning how to effectively describe a setting. We analysed an extract from 'The Explorer' by Katherine Rundell and created illustrations for the different settings within this section of the story. Of course, we also took this opportunity to magpie some of the fantastic descriptive phrases from the book. We will be using these to write our own rainforest setting description. 

- Week 5 - 

This week, we are reading 'Here We Are' by Oliver Jeffers.
