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Spring 2 South American Adventure

Year 3's time in Mexico has sadly come to an end but our next adventure will take us to the exciting continent of South America. We will be delving into the depths of the Amazon rainforest and learning how to locate the equator, tropics and the rainforests using atlases. We will be learning about the effects of deforestation and the impact humans are having on the world's rainforests. We will be exploring the sounds of the rainforest in music and will be starting our new DT focus, textiles! Follow our adventure right here on our class page.

- Week 1 - 



The Explorer

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When their plane crashes, four children are stranded in the Amazon jungle. Now they have to survive alone. But was someone there before them?
In Literacy, we are starting off by reflecting on all the fantastic achievements the Aslans have made so far in Y3 in order to write our school reports. Today, we took on the 'Compliment Challenge'...
This afternoon, the Aslans headed over to Burnaby to share their published books with the Y2 Gruffalos. 

The Explorer - Chapter 1 - Flight

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Magnificent Mountains

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This week, we having been continuing to develop our understanding of the 'Extreme Earth' by learning about how mountains form and the different features of a mountain range.
Our Aslan rockstars getting creative as part of our focus on a balanced digital diet....

A Rockstars Digital 5-a-day

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- Week 2 - 



An Explosive Experiment: A Volcanic Eruption

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In Forest School, the Aslans enjoyed creating a volcanic eruption. We learnt that the chemical reaction between vinegar and baking soda creates a gas called carbon dioxide. The gas gets very excited and tries to spread out but there is not enough room in the bottle so it leaves through the opening very quickly, causing an eruption!

If you want to try this experiment at home, just follow the link below!



Wow Aslans, what a fabulous effort with your creative and inspiring costumes! We have had a brilliant day sharing our costume designs, completing the World Book Day art challenge, reading 'The Cat in the Hat' and learning some dance moves from famous book characters. The Aslans also enjoyed listening to stories at the end of the day read by Mrs Leverton and Mrs Goff. 


Hallé Orchestra

Listen to our performance of Believe...

Forest School Eco Printing 

- Week 3 - 


We kicked the week off with our exciting South American workshop at Las Iguanas restaurant. 

As we set off on our South American Adventure, we have found ourselves exploring the depths of the Amazon rainforest. This tall and densely packed jungle is one of the Earth's oldest living ecosystems and is an amazing, mysterious and beautiful place. After performing a range of poems, we have been describing what we would be able to see and hear on our adventure. Knowing that the climate is hot and humid, we have been inferring what it would feel like to be in the Amazon. We have used these ideas to write our own rainforest acrostic poems focusing on using powerful, descriptive language.


- Week 4 - 



Fascinating Fossils

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As part of our Rocks and Soils topic in Science, we have been learning about the fascinating process of fossilisation. We have also been learning about the remarkable discoveries made by palaeontologist Mary Anning and how these helped to shape our understanding of prehistoric life and the history of the world. Watch this space for our latest audiobook! Using dinosaur toys and shells, we then created a range of edible trace and mold fossils.

Mary Anning Audiobook

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- Week 5 - 


