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Stories and Songs

Reading Together

We love reading stories together. It is a really important skill for Caterpillars to be able to answer questions about what they have read. This comes very naturally when reading together, but there are some ideas of the style of questions to ask if you are looking for inspiration. 


FS2: The King of Tiny Things

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

Story time - The Koala who could

Story time - Fleabag!

Where does Thursday go?

Story time - The lighthouse keeper's cat

FS2: The Gruffalo's Child by Miss Hill

The Gruffalo Puppet Show

Story time - One Snowy Night with 'can you find it?' Game

Elmer Again by Miss Hill

Story time - Keith the cat with the magic hat

Story time with Mrs Wallis - How to hide a lion

Oi Frog With Mummy Hill

Story time with Mrs Wallis

What does the clock in the hall say?

Story time with Mrs Hill
