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Summer 1

We've had lots of fun with bubbles today in the forest! We carried out an investigation in to 'does the shape of the bubble want affect the shape of the bubble created?' We made different shaped bubble wands then observed the shape - try it yourself at home so you can see! we also made our own giant bubble wands and tried to make the biggest bubbles we could - very enjoyable

The children have been in Forest School this week! We made some fantastic 3D models of shapes using sticks and plasticine. We also created some butterflies using sticks, pipe cleaners and wool which looked stunning. Linking to our topic about classification, we also completed a quiz on Carl Linnaeus. Finally, we completed a very exciting Science Investigation about whether the shape of the bubble wand affects the shape of the bubble!

As part of our computing week, we have been finding out about different religions. We have used websites to research key information about our chosen religion. We have then created our own keynote presentations on the I-Pads to teach other people about the religion we researched. Children then used their presentation to teach the class about the religion they researched. Here are some of our presentations. We have uploaded them to google classrooms to share our fabulous work with others. Well done Kensukes!

It has been iPad week in Kensukes class! We have been creating an animation using the Scratch tool. We have learnt how to add sprites, change background and create a sequence of events using the 'broadcast' and 'receive' functions. We have also developed our research and note-taking skills and created a presentation using Keynote. Well done Kensukes!

We have been really lucky in the Kensuke class as Mrs. Sian is allowing the year 6 bubble to use the dance studio once a week. Today, we had a fab fitness dance session with Amy Burton involving some combat fitness, HIIT and some aerobic dance. You can see from the happy faces how much we enjoyed it!

Kensukes have been analysing a model text based on 'The Highwayman'. We re-ordered the text and then created a story map with actions to help us remember the text!

Today, the children read and listened to the ‘The Highwayman’ by Alfred Noyes. We predicted what may happen next and discussed the character’s motivations throughout. After ordering the events in the poem, the children work together in groups to create a storyboard of the poem.

Yesterday, we were lucky enough to watch a live performance of The Lorax streamed from the Old Vic theatre in London! It was a fabulous performance and really enjoyable to watch. Some children produced sketches of The Lorax as they watched. The production linked really well to World Earth Day which we have been learning about in guided reading.

THE LORAX | The Old Vic irrepressible, big-hearted, moustachioed critter is back. Following rave reviews and an Olivie...
