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Summer 1

Summer 1

Week 6

This last week of half term has been an extremely busy and fun in Anansi class.


This week in maths, we have been learning about position and direction. We have looked at different types of turn such as full turn, half turn, quarter turn and three quarter turn. Also, we have looked at the directions backwards, forwards, left and right. We have played direction games, went outside and answered word problems to learn position and direction. All the children have done a great job and have had fun doing it.

Creative Curriculum

This week in forest school, we had a bit of a problem. There was an alien that had crashed landed in the forest school called Eric the alien. I found Eric and brought him into the classroom and we tried to greet him but he has no ears so he couldn’t hear us. We tried writing messages with pencil and pens but he didn’t understand. The only other option was to write messages using natural resources, so we went into the forest and made some messages made out of branches, sticks, leaves, rocks and Eric nodded his head to show he understood the messages. Now Eric is really happy on Earth his ship is been repaired and he will be soon on his way back home.


This week in tennis, we learnt about serving. All the children were players and coaches. When the children were not playing they were coaching another class member. All the class had their own sheet with their face on it and their coach name on it. They had to write a star and a wish for each activity they did for a specific person in the class. This worked so well and all the children really loved it and took their role as a coach giving some amazing advice to other class members. It was so lovely to see. I think we have some sports coaches for the future in Anansi class.

Forest school  

In forest school we had Mr Butler to help us cook banana and chocolate. In class, we put bits of cooking chocolate inside a banana after we wrapped it in foil and then cooked it. When they were finished we opened them and all the chocolate had gone gooey and the banana had gone soft. We then used a spoon to scoop all the gooey chocolate and banana out. They were absolutely delicious! All the adults had one as well, we could not resist.


We have sent a Y1 newsletter out which has lots of information on about all the things we will be doing next half term.

We have sent learning logs out, so if you would like to do some of the activities that would be great!

Y2 Kingswood residential – if you would like your child to go next year then if you could bring the slip back so the school know how many places to book for next year.

Y1 trip – this trip is on the 7th of June which is the first Friday back. If we could have all the slips in as soon as possible that would also be great!

Take a look at all the fabulous pictures from this week of learning below!

Well there we have it another half term completed for our fabulous Y1’s. One more half term and they will all be grown up Y2’s. I wish you a great week off, have a fabulous rest and see you all in a week’s time!

Summer 1

Week 5

What a week we have had this week in Anansi class. As usual it has been a fast paced and tremendously exciting week.



This week we have been learning about quartering shapes and amounts. We learnt that quartering is when a shape or an amount is split into four equal parts. Some children used a ruler to quarter shapes made out of playdough. Others, had to work out if sections shaded of a shape were quarters or halves. Lastly, some children had to colour a quarter of shapes. When looking at amounts such as a quarter of eight, the children had to use counters to split their eight into four equal groups to see how many counters were in each group to get their answer.


Creative Curriculum  

This week, something extremely special happened. I went for my lunch and when I came in the classroom all the desks had changed positions, the children had name tags on their desks and they all had a badge which said ESA (European Space Agency). I rushed outside to tell the children and explained what had happened. We came in and the children had to find their seats and attach their ESA badges. So the ESA had been in our classroom and set all this up for us! Also, they had left some work for us to do. The children had sit back to back and on the screen was a picture. The child looking at the board had to describe what they saw to their partner without saying the object which was on the screen. They all did such an amazing job. Once we had shown how knowledgeable we were about space we had to plan our trip to the moon. The ESA had left some packs for us. In the pack were items that we could take in our rocket. The only problem was that the rocket could only hold so much weight so we had to pick the pack which fit the weight allowance. To work this out we used counters to build array as each pack had items that weighed the same. Once we had used the manipulatives we then drew our array on our sheets and worked out the answer. Finally, we all wrote a sentence saying which was the best pack to take and why. I contacted the ESA to thank them for our lesson and they were extremely happy with our choices! They have assured me that the items we want to take will be on the rocket ready when we board.


Golden Writing

This week, the children have completed two more golden writes. One was about what will be taking to space and why. The second was about the Goliath Bird Eating Tarantula. There was great description of the Tarantula such as, it has eight spindly, skinny legs and eyes like burning Larva. In our space writing there have been some excellent reasons why we should take items, such as we need to take a teddy bear because we might get home sick!



We have been continuing on our tennis skills this week. We learnt about volleying this week. The top tips for volleying are:

  1. Keep your racket up high
  2. Watch the ball onto your racket
  3. Guide the ball to your partner with control  
  4. Make sure you hit the ball before it bounces
  5. After, you have hit the ball get ready for the next shot


Just a reminder about the letters we sent out this week about the Y2 residential and the Y1 school trip in June. If we could have your replies back as soon as possible that would be amazing!


Thank you so much for taking your time to read and look at the picture on our blog we really appreciate it. We love showing off our wonderful learning every week and are so proud of all the progress we are making.


Have a great weekend! See you all on Monday for our final week of the half term!  

Summer 1

Week 4

This week, we have worked so hard in all our lessons. There has been some amazing learning which has taken place.


This week in maths, we have been working on halving. First, at the start of the week we cut objects up such as fruit to see what halve looked like. All the children were so knowledgeable about halving objects. This showed in their work as they were asked to shade in halve of a shape and all the children did this fantastically. Later in the week, we learnt to halve numbers.

Creative curriculum  

As you know the children will be going to space in a few weeks. Before we go we have to know what to take and why we will take certain items. This week, the children wrote their first draft to explain what they need to take and why they are taking that item. Next week we will write up our draft in neat.


This week, again we have been practising our forehand skills. The children learnt about moving their racket from low to high to make the ball go up and over the imaginary net. This is quite a difficult skill but most of the children had a really good attempt.


We have started to create a fact file about a Goliath Bird Eating Tarantula. We looked at where this spider lives, what it likes to eat and we had a fantastic go at describing its appearance.


See you all on Monday.

Summer 1

Week 3

This week, has been another exciting and interesting week in Anansi class. We have done some super learning!


In maths, we have been looking at columns and rows. The children have learnt that columns go up and down and rows go across. We have used this to help us make arrays. On Monday and Tuesday, the children had to build arrays with Dienes then they drew them in their book and counted how many there were to get the answer. On Wednesday and Thursday, the children had some word problems to read and work out.

Creative Curriculum

This week, we had another message from the European Space Agency. (ESA) The ESA have announced that they cannot send any astronauts to space as they don’t have the resources, so Y1 are going to have to go to the moon to save poor old Kipper. This announcement was a huge shock to us all so we have started making preparations for our trip. We thought if we are going to go a good place to start would be to ask questions. We did this because if we were in space and something went wrong then we have to know what to do! On Wednesday the children wrote many questions about what happens in space and they have come up with some inquisitive questions. In the following weeks we will need to keep preparing to make sure we are ready at any point to go off into space.


This week, we have continued with our tennis skills. At the moment we are focusing on the forehand. We are really focusing on holding the racket properly and making good contact with the tennis ball.

RWI and Star Group

All the children have been working hard this week in their RWI groups. The comet group are starting on their set three sounds after completing all their set two sounds. All the comet group are now master of set two sounds as Mr Drew knighted them for their excellent learning of the set two sounds. In Star Group, the children have started a new book called Tom and the Island of Dinosaurs. They will be writing a diary of Tom’s day when he went to a faraway land to save the dinosaurs. Grey Group are working hard on consolidating their set three sounds while producing some fantastic writing on their latest book.


We have currently in science learning about animals. This week, we looked at herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores. The children had a sheet with many animals on it. After some carpet work, the children cut out the animals and stuck them onto a Venn diagram.

Thanks for reading our blog. Have a great weekend and see you all on Tuesday for another exciting week!



This week we have been landing the lunar module on the moon, playing a version of lunar lander.

Who is precise enough to land on the moon with a soft landing?


Play here:

Summer 1

Week 2

It is lovely to see all the children back at school after the Easter break and the long bank holiday weekend. We have had a fantastic week learning lots of new interesting things.



This week, we have been looking at groups and how many objects are in a group. We have done of word problems where the children have had pictures of groups of objects. First, the children had to work out how many groups there were. After, the children then had to count how many objects there were in each group. Finally, they had to write a number sentence and work out how many objects there were altogether. The children used lots of physical things to help with this. They used Numicon, Dienes and number lines to help them work out groups of objects. When the children had finished they found objects around the classroom and put them into groups as you can see from some the pictures below.



Last week, we went on our school trip to the local bakery to finish our topic on The Great Fire of London. It was a lovely day. When we arrived Gerry the bakery greeted us outside the shop and welcomed us in. We all came in a sat around a big table which had rolling pins, dough and shape cutters. First, we had to roll the dough out with a rolling pin. Once the children had done that they had to select a cutter depending on what biscuit they wanted to create. Some children made gingerbread men, some made stars and others made heart biscuits. After, we had made all our biscuits Gerry put them in the oven and he made all the teacher sing Baby Shark to all the children, it was great fun! When the biscuits were cooked Gerry put them in a bag and we walked back to school. In the afternoon, then children listened to a story while they ate one of their biscuits. Check out the pictures below.



This half term we are doing tennis in PE. The children at the moment are learning to use their co-ordination skills, to aid their tennis skills. All the children are really enjoying tennis.



This week, we have been writing a letter. As we had such an amazing time at the bakery we wanted to thank Gerry, so we have been writing a thank you letter to mention our favourite parts and to say thank you for such lovely morning. The children have produced a fantastic piece of golden writing.



Our theme until the end of summer term is The Moon Landing. Also, we will look at space and other planets. As a class, we received a video message from the head of the European Space Agency. Kipper (a dog) has been left on the moon and the ESA need someone to help. We need to do research about space to help the ESA as much as possible, so Kipper can be rescued.



I hope you all enjoyed the cards and the Easter baskets. They children really enjoyed getting creative and making them.


Learning Logs

Thank you so much for taking the time to have ago at some of the learning log activities. Our classroom looks fantastic we have an area were all the children’s lovely work is being displayed. Every day, children come to me with things they have done at home to do with our topic, which is fantastic.

Have a great rest over the weekend. See you all again on Monday morning!

