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Week Beginning 11th January 2021 - Adelita: The Mexican Cinderella 👑

Monday 11th January 2021

Adelita - A Mexican Cinderella Story

Here is an audio reading of the story of Adelita, apologies in advance for my utterly terrible Spanish pronunciation!

Today for the main part of the lesson, I would like you to look at what is the same (similarities) and what is different (differences) between Adelita and Cinderella.


Please watch the video, pausing when asked, and then complete the task on the sheet (make sure you use the correct one). I have attached a version of Cinderella in case you have forgotten the story and there are examples and sentence stems on the worksheet to help you. There is no need to print, you can write on lined paper but remember at home and in school, myself and Miss Morecroft are presentation PESTS!


When you have finished you can complete your remember tos, ask any questions about the task and upload any work that you want to share using this google form:


I'm looking forward to seeing your work!

L/O: To be able to compare different versions of a traditional rags to riches tale

What a fantastic first day of home learning! Great to see so many high quality pieces of work! Really impressive comparing and use of conjunctions but don't forget those capital letters everyone!

Tuesday 12th January 2021


LO: To be able to story map the introduction of Adelita


I can remember to:

  • Listen to and reread the story carefully.
  • Think of actions to represent the key events in the introduction
  • Use simple illustrations to represent the key events in the introduction
  • Record a video of my talk story or a photo of my story map


Today we are going to create a talk story and a story map for the introduction of Adelita. This was much harder to do on my own and I definitely missed your wonderful ideas! Have a look at the videos that I have done but then please adapt and change it to use your own ideas (which I'm sure will be better than mine).


When you have finished, you can upload videos of your talk story or photos of your story map on the google form

Adelita introduction story map

Fantastic examples of story maps!

Wednesday 13th January 2021


I have been so impressed with the start of this week! Well done everyone!


Today we are going to start thinking about writing our own 'Rags to Riches' story with some substituting plot lines. Watch the video and then find your worksheet underneath. As usual, share your learning on the google form

Great plot substitutions today!

Thursday 14th January 2021


Good morning! Today it's time to link your substitution ideas together and brainstorm your alternative story!


Please watch the video and upload any work on the google form.


You will find the brainstorms that you need under the video. If you don't have a printer, just copy out the subheadings.

Only a few examples of brainstorms today. Well done to those children for getting their learning completed before going to play in the snow!

A really outstanding effort! Well done!

Friday 15th January 2021


For the end of the week I wanted to focus on some important SPAG work, using direct speech accurately.



To get your brains warmed up, have ago at finding all the alternative words for 'said' in this wordsearch:



Please watch the video and then complete the task. You can complete your remember tos and and send in pictures of your work using the google form. If you don't have a printer, just neatly draw the speech bubbles and then write the correctly punctuated direct speech next to or underneath the matching speech bubble. Your acitivity sheets and a reminder of the rules of direct speech, plus a wordbank of different words for 'said' are under the video.


I hope you enjoy the last literacy lesson of the week. I have been so impressed and proud of your efforts and it has been absolutely lovely putting this work together for you.

Y3 Aslans Adelita speech marks

Some lovely examples of work today, well done!

Y3 Adelita Story Mapping Amazing Example!

Thank you for sending this in! I have uploaded it as an unlisted video on the Walkley channel. I really appreciate your efforts, recording yourself on video is not easy, I know!
I'm so glad that we got to see it, it makes us all feel a bit closer!
