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Week Beginning 11th January 2021

Once a week there will be a new Guided Reading text and tasks provided by Miss Kendall or Mr Earl for you to complete. 


Read the text out loud to yourself or to an adult and try to use expression in your voice.

Adults: Below are examples of questions you can ask your children as they are reading, focusing on key skills (see below). 

Under each text are tasks focusing on one of the key reading skills.

Key Reading Skills

Understanding the words that they have read (vocabulary);

Inferring meaning from what they have read and to explain and justify using evidence;

Summarising effectively including retelling and understanding the text in the correct sequence;

Retrieving information from the text;

Predicting what will happen later in the story;

Explanation of themes and patterns across the text and understanding that the author has made choices for effect;

Commenting on their own opinion and where they notice similarities and differences between texts.


As we do Guided Reading in school.. Complete one task a day and remember to re-read the text before you start your activity! 

New Year

Firstly HAPPY NEW YEAR!! This is not the start to 2021 we were all expecting but we all have to stay positive, happy and look out for those we care about. New Years is a time of celebration (I know we all probably celebrated extra hard to see the end of 2020) and reflection. New Years has been slightly different this year but some things were still the same.. you might have even got to see the London fireworks on TV!

Lets start our Guided Reading this week reading about how this special time of year is celebrated across the world. 


Blue and Red (Foxes) and Tiw (Charlies) groups you have slightly different texts and tasks. Please make sure you are accessing the correct texts and activities. 


Y4 Guided Reading New Years text

Hello- I've had feedback with some people getting confused with our Guided Reading Tasks. 

In the video are some questions for you to complete these are separate to the tasks below. 

Complete the three tasks in the document below. Each should take about 20-30 minutes.

TASK 1- Summarise in 3 sentences in your own words how each place (Mexico, United States, Europe...) celebrate New Years.

TASK 2- Write at least four new years resolutions in sentences.

TASK 3- Complete the maths activities for the number 2021.

I have removed where I explain the tasks in the video as I think that is where the confusion was!

Follow these steps..

I hope this helps smiley

Also, please pick the correct tasks to the group you are in at school! Children you should know which Guided Reading group your in!


Examples of this weeks great Guided Reading!
