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Week Beginning 18th January 2021

Monday 18th January


Hello Kensukes and Potters! It’s Mrs Hall here today. I’ll be posting all your English work this week and I can’t wait to read your newspaper articles at the end of the week!  This week, we will be planning, writing, editing and Golden Writing our newspaper reports.


Task 1

We will be using direct quotes and indirect speech in our articles.  First, I’d like you to have a think about what the following people may think about the new lockdown.  How will it affect their lives?  Write down something they might say about it – I have done the first one for you. 

Working parent with 3 primary school aged children

"As parents, we need to do all we can to keep our children, community and NHS safe."


Pupil due to take an exam this year


A+E doctor

Boris Johnson





Task 2

Use the information you read last week to complete a plan of our article.  The headings we will be using are:

  1. Lead (5 w’s)
  2. What was announced?
  3. Why was the decision taken?
  4. Tail

I have included my filled in plan to help you.  Please plan some direct speech and indirect speech you will include for each section.

I have attached a blank plan and my example plan to help you

Thanks so much XS, EW, FS, AS, A, JB, OA, SS, IL and H for sharing your fantastic plans with us!

Tuesday 19th January          


Hello Year 6! Hope you are all ready today for some writing – I can’t wait to get started.  We will be writing our articles over two days – today we will be writing the headline, lead and the ‘what was announced’ section.  Tomorrow, we will finish our newspaper reports. 

When writing today, I would like you to refer to three things:

  1. Your plan
  2. The newspaper word mat
  3. The remember tos (you can write them out on the top of your page before you start writing)


Task 1

Watch the video below, then write the headline and the lead sections.  Please remember to refer to the 3 things I mentioned above.  Don’t start your next section until you watch the video in task 2!



L/O: to write a newspaper report DAY 1

What I think

My teacher thinks

I can remember to:

Include a catchy headline and by-line. 


Include key information in the lead (5Ws).


Include direct quotes. “ ” (use synonyms for said)


Include indirect quotes. 


Use a range of conjunctions (use conjunctions helper)


CHALLENGE – Use a relative clause (who/which sentence)




Task 2

Watch the video below and then write the ‘what was announced’ section.  We will continue the rest of our newspaper article tomorrow. 


Please remember to upload the writing you have done so far below.  I would love to see them and it will also help me when recording my video for tomorrow’s writing.  Have fun!

Some great writing from today! I am so impressed!

Fantastic direct quote EW!

Wednesday 20th  January                    


Hello lovely Year 6s! Thank you so much to those who sent me their writing yesterday.  I really enjoyed reading them - I think we have a few future journalists in Year 6! I can tell that you have been using the newspaper word mat to help you so well done for that.  Based on the writing I read yesterday, I would like you to focus on three things today:-


1) Using formal vocabulary - I talk about this in the video below in more detail.  Think carefully about your word choices today and use the newspaper mat to help you.

2) I would like you to make sure you include a lot of detail in your writing today.  Use my example plan (which I have attached below) to help you know what to include and include as many facts and details as you can.  

3) A personal target of your choice - perhaps ask an adult to suggest one or read through your writing yourself and set yourself this target.


Task 1

Watch the video below, then write the last two sections of your report - we will finish writing it today.  Remember to focus on formal vocabulary, including a good level of detail and your personal target today. -   click for video


When writing today, I would like you to refer to three things:

  1. My plan
  2. The newspaper word mat
  3. The remember tos (you can write them out on the top of your page before you start writing)


L/O: to write a newspaper report DAY 2

What I think

My teacher thinks

I can remember to:

Use formal vocabulary e.g. transmission, vaccine,


Include direct quotes. “ ” (use synonyms for said)


Include indirect quotes. 


Ensure tail paragraph sums up the story.


CHALLENGE – Include differing viewpoints using conjunctions such as On the other hand, However and Whereas





I can't wait to read your amazing reports!




Wednesday's writing video

Still image for this video

Use the documents below to help you with your writing today.

Some fantastic writing today! Thanks so much for all your great work.

Fantastic writing EF and EW! You have used direct quotes accurately EF! Super use of formal language EW!

Thursday 21st January


Hello Year 6s! Again, I have been so impressed with the writing I have been sent.  Thank you to all of you that shared your writing with me.  If you haven't done so yet - It's not too late! You can click on the link above to share your fabulous work with me!  


Today, we will be editing our first drafts of our newspaper reports.  Please ensure you have your newspaper reports with you.  Based on the writing you have sent me, we will be focusing on three things:-


1) Direct speech and punctuation

2) Conjunctions

3) Formal vocabulary  


There will be three editing challenges for you to do in the video and you will need to pause the video and complete them.   There is also an activity for you to carry out which is attached below.  Please do sent me your edited writing as I would love to see them!



Still image for this video

Editing sheet

Some great editing work I have received today! Well done Year 6!

Great editing! IC - great direct speech! Fantastic formal language EF! I love your use of conjunctions RB!

Friday 22nd January


Hello Year 6s! Thank you for all the brilliant writing you have sent me this week.  I have really enjoyed reading them and I am really very proud of what you have achieved.  We are now on the last step of our 10-step process – the Golden Write.  So, put on some relaxing music if you can, sharpen your pencil and prepare to be amazed at your fantastic writing! I have attached a newspaper template if you would like to use it, but you can easily create your own using a piece of paper – just remember to write in columns just like the picture below. 



For those who would like some inspiration for the picture section, have a look at this drawing tutorial on how to draw……. Boris Johnson!  I can’t wait to see them! Click on Boris for the link!


What amazing Golden Writes I have received Year 6!

What a professional looking newspaper report EW!

Amazing Golden Writes by the Year 6 bubble
