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Week Beginning 1st February 2021

Some great work on those tricky homophones and some fantastic spellings from AH! Well done!
Here are this week's spellings - it's those pesky homophones and near-homophones! Practice during the week and ask someone to test your knowledge on Friday.

Monday, February 1st


Hi everyone, our grammar tasks this week are related to our narrative writing. We are going to focus on adverbial openers.


Parents, if you are reading this with your child, do not PANIC! If you are a similar age to me, you may not have bee taught any grammar at school. However , adverbial openers are relatively easy to understand. When you look at the task sheets you may be confused that they are called Fronted Adverbials - that is because the terminology has changed. All you need to understand is that a Fronted Adverbial is an Adverbial Opener.


What is an adverbial opener?

  • It appears at the opening of a sentence
  • It tells you when, where or how something happens
  • It is always followed by a comma


Why do we use an adverbial opener?

  • to improve the flow of our writing
  • using different sentence starters stops our writing from being boring


Start by looking at the BBC bitesize video clip. I have also included a powerpoint and  a pdf that I have created.

When you are confident you understand what an adverbial opener is , have a go at the tasks!

Click on link here