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Week Beginning 1st February 2021


Monday the 1st of February 2021

LO: To study adjectives


For our next writing project we will write a story inspired by the traditional tale, "The Tortoise and the Hare". To start with, let's get familiar with the story and identify key vocabulary we could use for our write.


Aesop's Fable "The Tortoise and the Hare"

Tortoise and the Hare Profiles 1.2.21

Now make your own character profiles of the Tortoise and the Hare. Please copy the frames below, add lots of excellent adjectives and write a quality sentence. Finally have a go on the Adjective questions for today! google form to check and challenge your understanding of some describing words!

great profiles y2!

Tuesday the 2nd of February 2021

LO: To use talk for writing and create my own characters

Y2 Talk 4 writing 2.2.21

Mild Challenge!

Spicy Challenge

Flaming Hot Challenge

Thank you for your talk for writing and ideas

Wednesday the 3rd of February 2021

LO: To plan my story

Good adverbs to use in your plan and write to describe movement

Try and use some of these great year 2 suffix words in your plan

Y2 Tortoise and Hare Plan 3 2 21

Examples of a VCOP plan

Great plans. Please keep them coming!

Here is a great 6 minute radio play of The Tortoise and the Hare to listen to!:

Thursday the 4th of February 2021

LO: To write the first part of the story

Hare and the Tortoise first part (4.2.21)

I corrected my punctuation!

Great work! Please keep it coming.

Friday the 5th of February 2021

LO: To write the second part of my story

Y2 The Tortoise and the Hare part 2 (5.2.21)

Superb stuff! Please keep it coming. Next week we will write chapters 3, 4 and finally 5!
