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Week beginning 1st March 2021

Monday 1st March 2021

Hello Year 6! It’s Miss Stephens here! Things are about to get magical this week!! If a certain character that starts with a H____ and last name starts with a P___ comes to mind you’ll know what we’re up to.


OK... here's another clue... listen below..

Harry Potter Main Theme Music | Hedwig's Theme

If you are wanting to use this track for your own project please email us at Provide a link to your channel and the video you...

This week we are going to be learning about playscripts!! We have read quite a few playscripts during guided reading, however we are actually going to look at them in further detail this week.


So what is a playscript? Don’t worry if you have forgotten.  Watch the video below:


As well, there is a quiz on the BBC link if you'd like to challenge yourself!

Task 1 - Read the PowerPoint about the features of a playscript. 


Task 2 - Use the checklist and go through the playscript.


Now, time to read some playscripts! Below is a playscript of the first 3 scenes of Harry Potter. The checklist is on the same document as the remember to.



Harry Potter playscript and remember to with activity

Great work from Year 6! A great understanding of playscripts and the features too! (Monday)

Tuesday 2nd March 2021


Great understanding of the features yesterday!  Today the fun begins! You are going to create your own playscript!  It can be about anything! You can stick to the Harry Potter theme if you like. Or, it can be about pirates, animals or anything else (school appropriate).


Below, is a short video on BBC Bitesize about how to write a playscript.  There is also a quiz underneath if you want to challenge yourself. 

Below is my example plan to help you.  I made mine up based on some of my knowledge on Harry Potter!   Feel free to choose any topic you'd like!


As well, the remember to and the plan template is there if you need it.  

Great plans from Year 6!! These are extremely detailed! I like that you've chosen the theme of Harry Potter!

More great plans!!

EW- An extremely detailed plan! Well done! I can't wait to read it now!

WOW! It's lovely to see that some of you have already got started writing!! Great playscripts! Thanks for sharing them with me!

Wednesday 3rd March 2021


Great plans year 6! I can’t wait to read them now!

Today, we will write our playscripts. Look at the remember tos. Make sure you refer to these today.


Below, I've attached a video to recap the features of a play. You can skip through that little bit if you like.

However, the video does give some good examples of how to write in emotions and actions for the characters too.  Watch at 2:55 to see actions and emotions explained. 

Key features in Playscript

Let's have a quick revision on the key features of a playscript!

For those of you that have already written your playscript, I'd like you to watch the video from 2:55 and start editing. Look for missing punctuation first. Use the video to help you with what the format of your playscript should look like. 

More great work from Year 6! Lovely playscripts!!

EW- A great play! I love your idea about finding money! Love it! Great use of brackets for actions.

FS- Lovely idea! I love that your playscript ends on a cliff hanger! It leaves me thinking! Great!

RB- I love this idea! A new generation of Harry Potter, very cool! Lovely use of stage directions and emotions in brackets.

SA- I love your playscript! Very creative! You've certainly up levelled this classic play! Great use of brackets for emotions and stage directions.

Thursday 4th March 2021

Amazing playscripts year 6! Fabulous work! Today’s lesson will be breaking into 2 tasks.


Task 1 – Editing

Get your green pens out or another pen colour to edit them! Be sure to look at:

  1. Missing punctuation.  (capital letters, full stops, commas, exclamation marks, etc)
  2. Check for colons after a character’s name.
  3. Check for stage directions in brackets.
  4. Use a dictionary or an online one for spellings.


Task 2 – time to act it out OR draw it as a cartoon

Watch the video below for tips on performing a script: 


See if some family members will want to act out your play with you.  Feel free to take some pictures and send them to me! I’d love to see it!

More great literacy work!!

SA- Well done at editing your play script! I can see you've worked hard on this!

FS- Excellent editing! I can see you've worked really hard on this!

HH- WOW! Great play! I can tell you've worked hard on this! Great setting description! As well, excellent use of commas for emotions and stage directions!

Friday 5th March 2021



And… action!!

You can take today for more time to act out your wonderful plays!  I’d love to see pictures of the play!



If you do not wish to act out your play, you can use today as the publishing day! 

You can either:

  1. write out your play as a good copy on some nice paper!
  2. Type it on the computer.
  3. Make it into a PowerPoint!


Whichever you choose… have fun!! I can’t wait to see your work!

The published pieces!! Well done Year 6 these are looking great!!

XS- This looks very professional!! You've worked really hard on this! It looks great! You should get friends or family to act it out!

EW- This looks great! Very professional! I can tell you've worked hard on this!! Well done!

FS- A great playscript! I can tell you have worked hard on this!! I love that your play has loads of suspense! Makes me want to keep on reading!!
