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Week beginning 22nd February 2021


Monday the 22nd of February 2021

Lo: Pre teach

Please have a look at these amazing packed lunches in Japan!

Here is a great short film of 2 brothers travelling to Japan!

A great video that shows the geography and festival of Hanami across Japan

Y2 japan GR pre teach (22.2.21)

Mild text

Spicy text

Flaming Hot text

Downloadable reading texts. (Spicy text is 1 star, Flaming Hot 2 star)

Tuesday the 23rd of February 2021

LO: Retrieval

Y2 Japan GR day 2: retrieval

Here is a CBBC Japan quiz to do!

Thank you for your work!

Wednesday the 24th of February 2021

LO: Inference and deduction

Y2 Japan GR Inference (24.2.21)

From the Google Form's feedback, I can see a lot of interest in the Shinkansen "bullet trains". Here is a short video on a special bullet train, the "Hello Kitty Shinkansen!"

What It's Like To Ride Japan's Hello Kitty Bullet Train

Thursday the 25th of February 2021

LO: Make a quiz!

Y2 Make a quiz Japan (25.2.21)

Excellent work. These are tricky quizes! Also thank you for the extra japanese work

Friday the 26th February 2021

LO: To make a persuasive tourism poster!

Y2 Make a Japan poster (26.2.21)

Thank you for these persuasive and eye-catching posters. The Japanese Ministry of Tourism needs to see these!
