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Week Beginning 25th January 2021



L/O: To find the meaning of words in a text.

I can remember to:

-read the text fluently

-highlight any words you don't understand

-read the meaning of  key words

-write your own sentence including key words

-find and write your own words, definitions and examples

-Challenge: Complete the quiz by referring to the text


Happy Monday Year 4, 

Welcome to another fun week of online learning!! We will be looking at a book called Goblinology: The Ultimate Guide to Goblins  to help us with some SPAG work this week.

Watch the video to get started with todays task!

Remember we love to see your work! So please submit using the google form at the top.

Excellent Examples of work from todays lesson (click to enlarge)


L/O: To use expanded noun phrases to describe.

I can remember to:

-create your own Goblin

-write a simple noun phase

-expand your noun phase with adjectives

-use commas between adjectives

-consider more information by using conjunctions

-Extra: write a paragraph about your Goblin


Good Morning Year 4, 

Watch the video to get started with todays lesson where we continue to look in our Goblinology book. Get your imagination caps on for todays learning!!

Just to clarify from this video

Noun = Place, person or object

Adjective = Describing word

Verb = Doing word E.g. shouts, walks, waddles

Adverb= A word that modifies a verb E.g. quietly, slowly, quickly


An adverb gives more information about a verb. Watching the video back I didn't make this too clear I apologise! 

So for example: The Water Goblin slowly (adverb) waddles (verb). 

WOW! I've been blown away by your phenomenal Goblins!! I really enjoyed looking at your work- What fantastic imaginations you all have and what great descriptive words you've used to describe them. Take a look to see what your classmates came up with! (Click to enlarge)


L/O: To identify and make different contractions.

I can remember to:

-explain that a contraction is a shortened form of two words.

-understand an apostrophe is used to show you omitted or left out a letter.

-identify mistakes and where an apostrophe should go in a contracted word.


Happy Wednesday Year 4,

Today we are going to be looking at contractions. There are 4 tasks for you to complete today. Task number 4 you will need to use what you've learnt from the lesson in your writing. Watch the video to get started!

Dr Frizzle's final set of instructions on 'How to trap a Grass Goblin'- Take a read!

I really enjoyed reading your traps. Another great SPAG lesson - I can see that most of you have really understood this. Remember- try to use some contractions in your own instructions. Why don't you take a look at everyone else's work! (click to enlarge)


L/O: To use fronted adverbials in a sentence.

I can remember to:

-identify verbs and adverbs in a sentence

-understand a fronted adverbial goes at the front of a sentence

-write a comma after a fronted adverbial

-write your own job advert including fronted adverbials and commas


Welcome to Thursdays literacy,

Firstly, I am totally blown away by your fantastic efforts in literacy this week. It is very clear that every piece of work you've completed this week has 110% effort in, so for that- Well Done and give yourself 10 House Points!!!

Today, we are going to be continuing our SPAG work by looking at fronted adverbials. You have two tasks to complete so watch the video to get started.

Well Done Year 4 - I can see you are all showing a much better understanding of fronted adverbials.


L/O: To make your own Goblin Monster.

L/O: To write a set of instructions.

I can remember to:

-make your own Goblin Monster

- make notes on how you made your monster

-plan ideas for your set of instructions

-write your set of instructions

-check your checklist

-give your set of instructions to a friend or family member to see if they have follow them clearly


Happy Friday Year 4!!!

The first part of todays lesson you will be making your very own Goblin Monster!!! (If your at school you might want to go straight onto the plan and follow your instructions at home)

Then, you will plan some ideas for your set of instructions. After this, you'll have a go at writing your own set of instructions on how you made your monster. Finally, you'll check your work and give your set of instructions to someone else to see if they can follow them to make their very own monster!



Wow! Look at these amazing goblins make by our outstanding Year 4s! (I've put it as a slide show so you can flick through) Can you spot yours? Which is your favourite? Could you follow a classmates instructions to make a Goblin Monster!?
