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Week Beginning 25th January 2021 - Journey to the Jungle - List Poems 🌴

Monday 25th January

Hello Amazing Aslans! We’re starting an exciting  new writing unit called ‘Journey to the Jungle’.  We will be joining Ed the Explorer on his journey to a magical jungle. 


This week, we’re going to be writing some jungle-inspired poems.  In the following weeks we will be writing a jungle diary and also some instructions on how to photograph a rare jungle creature!


Today we’re going to be introduced to Ed the Explorer. Can you think how he might go on magical journeys into the jungle? Watch the video below the learning objective to find out!


Learning Objective:  To find meaning in a text

I can remember to:
draw a picture to show the meaning of a key word
match words that have similar meanings (synonyms)
answer questions by referring to the text
challenge: write new sentences using the key words


Here's the video for this week. You can pause it at 11 minutes 45 seconds and complete tasks 1 and 2. You can then either do task 3 independently or watch the video and we can do it together.  Enjoy!


Here is the text we read together in the video above

You can upload a photo of your whizzy work by clicking HERE.
Thank you for sharing all your fabulous work! Please make sure you submit using the link on this page.
Tuesday 26th January 2020

LO: To be able to story map a list poem (10 things in an explorer’s rucksack)

 I can remember to:

  • Listen to and reread the poem carefully
  • Think of actions to represent each line of the poem
  • Use simple illustrations to represent each line of the poem

Please watch the video first.  After watching the video, your task is to read the poem aloud using actions (either the ones I use or some of your own).  Then you can draw your own poem map using pictures to represent the words in the poem.  

There's an extra line in Ed's poem that I've not included in the actions and map. Can you spot which one it is? See if you can come up with your own actions and images for this!

Click on the images to view Ed's 10 things in an explorer's rucksack poem
You can draw your poem map onto a piece of plain paper or, if it helps, you can use this frame.
You can upload a photo or video of your whizzy work by clicking HERE.

Aslan's you've performed the poem so well! I love your actions. Thank you for sharing this.

Amazing performance of the poem EG! Very confident and expressive.  I love your actions! 
Wow! Look at all these wonderful poem maps. I would have loved to see you perform them too.  Looking forward to seeing your own versions of the poem tomorrow! 

Wednesday 27th January

Learning Objective:  To be able to brainstorm ideas and draw a map for a list poem

I can remember to:

  • note down my ideas using words and phrases
  • include things you might see and hear exploring the jungle
  • include magical and unusual items
  • create and draw new ideas to replace words and phrases in the poem
  • Challenge: use powerful verbs

When you have planned your own poem by making  a map, don't forget to read it out loud. You could also add your own actions like we did yesterday!
You may like to jot the words down on the back of the pictures (or above if you're using the frame) if you think it'll help you remember them tomorrow. 
Here is the example brainstorm from the video:
Here is my version of the poem:
If you'd like to watch the full rainforest clips used in the video you can click on the links below.
Here are some photos that may help you with your brainstorm:
You can upload a photo or video of your whizzy work by clicking HERE.

Thursday 28th January 

Hello Aslans. Thank you for sharing all the wonderful work you did on your poems yesterday. You've got some brilliant ideas! 

Today we're going to write and then edit the first draft of your poem.  For this you will need some paper and a pencil.  When you watch the video , I write mine out in pen just to show you how to lay it out but you don't need to do this! As you would in school, you can write a line miss a line for your first draft. This makes it easier to edit your poem as you can add, move or change words.  There is a vocabulary list below in case you'd like to use that to help you edit.


Learning Objective:  To write and edit my first draft of a list poem

I can remember to:

  • Use alliteration and interesting adjectives (e.g. towering trees)
  • Use powerful verbs (e.g. scorching, splashing, glittering)
  • Use superlatives for exaggeration (e.g. biggest, sweetest, fastest)
  • choose unusual things and/or invent new things (e.g. a hat made of stars, boots made of spider webs) 
  • Read through my first draft and make improvements by adding, moving or changing words

Vocabulary List

You can upload a photo or video of your whizzy work by clicking HERE.

Friday 28th January 

This is the last lesson of the poetry block. If you'd like to feedback on this week's work, please click here. This does not require a google account. 


Today we're golden writing our poems and performing them to an audience! If you'd like to share any of your work, please click on the link at the end.


Learning Objective: To present my poem

I can remember to:

  • Read through my work
  • Use my neatest handwriting
  • Practise until I can read my poem confidently
  • Perform my poem with actions


Before you watch the video, have a read through your poem from yesterday in case you need to make any corrections or changes.

This is the music used in the video  -you may like to play this while you are golden writing.
You can upload a photo or video of your whizzy work by clicking HERE.
Check out these videos of our poems this week.  Well done Aslans - you've performed these with such confidence. We're so proud of you!

The resources used for this week's writing were produced by a team of volunteers.  A donation has been made for the suggested voluntary contribution to Great Ormond Street Hospital.  