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Week Beginning 8th February 2021 - Mexican Bean Burger Recipe 🍔

Hello Aslans!


This week in guided reading we will be looking at a recipe for Mexican bean burgers. This should tie in with your work with Miss Travis on Mayan food and with your literacy instructions writing for this week.


Watch the preteach video and then read through your text a few times! The text used in the preteach might be slightly different to the one that is linked to your tasks, but only slightly! The texts are in 3 different levels, mild, spicy and hot and the tasks will be linked to those levels later in the week. Choose the level that is right for you!

Guided Reading Texts:

Wednesday 10th February 2021


Please upload your work here

Please complete the quiz and give any feedback here

Great guided reading work today. I'm so impressed with the cooking skills!

Thursday 11th February 2021


Today I would like you to focus on the language used in instructions and recipes and make your own word banks.


Please upload your work here

Please complete the quiz and give any feedback here

Fantasic word banks, Aslans!

Thursday 11th February 2021


Today I would like you to use your word banks to help you write your own recipe.


Please upload your work here

Please complete the quiz and give any feedback here

Y3 Aslans Bean Burger Task3 SD 480p

Great recipes using the language you collected from your wordbanks!
