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Spring 2

Sutton Who?


We've done absolutely loads of amazing work on the Anglo-Saxon migration this half-term!


In our last lesson, we explored the largest barrow (known as Mound 1) at the Anglo-Saxon cemetary at Sutton Hoo. Using images of the artefacts discovered (and some expert input via a video), we worked out just who was buried at Sutton Hoo (with 93.027% accuracy). I've attached our lesson resources below if you'd like to challenge your parents!


Below, you'll also find a gallery of photos of children's Creative Curriculum books to give you an idea of the variety of work that we've done on different aspects of Anglo-Saxon history ranging from a study of King Offa through place name etymology to collecting the resources that settlers would need to make their own clothes.

Sutton Hoo SHORT Full.mp4

Still image for this video

Two Methods for Division


Over the last fortnight in Year 4, we've become experts at division!


First, we recapped by looking at the numberline method that we taught the children last year in Year 3.



While the numberline is a very fine method as far as methods go, it does have some limitations when we start to look at dividing 3-digit and 4-digit numbers. For that, we need to use the chunking method. This is a stepping-stone method to the short and long division methods that the children will learn later in Y5/6. The chunking method is really useful in coming to terms with the concept of taking 'lots of' away and solidifying understanding of place value.


I've attached both of these images below for you to download below. Children will be familiar with both of these classroom resources.

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight


Over the last fortnight, we have been engaging in the incredible Arthurian story from the middle ages, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.


We watched the first four parts of this series of videos and did some work responding to each one. At the end of part four, we imagined that we were Sir Gawain writing a letter to King Arthur to explain how the quest was going. Below are just some of the amazing letters the children produced. They have really blown me away with how well they adopted the appropriate langauge and style for this piece of writing.

Anglo-Saxon Religion


This week we have learned a little about Anglo-Saxon paganism. We have learned about god like Tiw, Woden, Thunor and Frige, from whom we get the names of four days of the week Tiw's day, Woden's day, Thunor's day and Frige's day.


We have also returned to the drama that we began during home learning. Following on from the last session, we learned that the settlers had chosen the wooded site at Location C. They had cut down some trees, cleared some land and built some houses. The settlement has begun to grow.


Today, Wulfthryth asked us to use our knowledge of the Anglo-Saxon gods to advise the people of Walca's settlement on which god they should make their offerings too. The children chose from different possible votive offerings and gave their advice to Walca's people.

Design and Technology

We're learning about bridges in Charlies class.  This week, we researched the different types of bridges and found some examples of each.  We then worked in teams to create a prototype of one of these bridges.  You can see the fabulous team work and creativity taking place in these photos.

Welcome back!


We've been so excited to welcome back our Charlies this week. All of the children have come back ready to learn and socialise with their friends. It's been so nice to have a classful of children once more!


Mr Evans and I thought that you might like a look at the classroom.

