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Monday 22nd June

Good morning Aslans!


From today, your maths and literacy home learning will be posted on the new LKS2 blog which will be updated by Miss Travis, Miss Kendall and Mr Rist over the coming weeks while Mr Earl and I are in school teaching. You can still access this page and the different curriculum areas by clicking on the pictures above if there are activities you want to have a go at.


We still want to see all your super work (and your smiley faces!) so please do keep sending this in.


We miss you lots,


Miss Morecroft and Miss Wieczorek x

Tuesday 16th June

Hello lovely Aslans!


We've reached a point of change once again as the government begins to ease the lockdown. Due to this, things will start to change a little bit on our home learning pages as Walkley staff return to school full time. As Mr Earl and I are both be working in Key Worker bubbles, it will be tricky for us to make daily updates to the Year 3 class pages.


Don’t worry though - we have a plan to make sure we are still delivering fun home learning to you all! Mr Earl and I have prepared Maths, Literacy and Science work for this week, but your Guided Reading has been prepared by Miss Travis. From next week, Mr Earl and I will be posting less often, but you'll still be getting loads of great activities including daily maths from Miss Kendall and Miss Travis. I've already seen some of what is being prepared and it looks really fun!


We still want to see all the whizzy work you're doing at home, so please keep sending it in!


Sending virtual hugs,


Miss Morecroft and Miss Wieczorek x

Our first Walkley llamas!!

Monday 8th June


Good morning Aslans! We hope you're rested and ready for another week of online learning. As well as your maths, literacy and guided reading activities this week, we will be starting our South American inspired textiles unit. The first activity I have set for you is weaving your own llama! Head over to the Get Creative page to find out more. 




We miss you lots,


Miss Morecroft and Miss Wieczorek x


Monday 1st June

Welcome back Aslans!


We hope you've had a lovely week off and have been enjoying the beautiful weather. I can't believe we're now in June! This week, Mr Earl and I  are back to posting daily maths lessons as well as weekly spellings and guided reading. There are also new creative writing activities over on our Literacy page as we meet an explorer who has visited the rainforests. In the music section, there are some new resources from Sheffield Music Hub for you to try out. 


Keep up the fantastic work superstars! 

Even lockdown couldn't stop our South American Adventure!

Friday 22nd May

Happy Half Term Aslans!


Well done for all the incredible work you have been doing at home over the last 6 weeks! It has been so lovely to chat to you all on the phone and hear about the creative and fun things you've been busy doing. We have also loved seeing all the photos of you and your work - thank you grown ups for continuing to share these with us!


Today is the last day of the Spring 1 half-term so we will not be adding any more work to the blog until Monday 1st June. You will still be able to access the tasks we have already set if you want to catch up with anything you have missed. There are some great activities that you might not have had time to do yet, but we think you will really enjoy.


Try and make the most of daily outdoor time - exercise and fresh air is really good for your physical and mental health - just remember to social distance to keep yourselves safe. As we approach the summer months, the plant life around us has really been thriving. Some gardens almost look like a rainforest! Why not spend the half-term break planting some fruit and vegetables in pots or in the ground around your garden? You'll definitely be pleased that you did, come harvest time. Yum!


Stay safe and we'll be back in touch soon with lots of new activities to keep you busy at home!


Lots of love, 


Miss Morecroft, Miss Wieczorek, Mr Earl, Mrs Wilson, Mr Clements and Mrs Nellist x


For more Spanish stories, have a look at our Spanish page. 

For activities based on the story, have a look at our Literacy page!

Friday 8th May 2020


Hello Year 3s!


Today is a special Bank Holiday so we won't be having an online lesson today as you wouldn't have been in school. The TT Rockstars battle is still going ahead though, so let's see which class can score the most!


The May Day Bank Holiday is usually on the first Monday of May, but this year it has been moved to Friday because today is the 75th anniversary of VE Day, when World War II ended in Europe. There are a couple of videos below to let you know a little more about VE (Victory in Europe) Day, but you can find out more by reading about it on Newsround.


Next week, we'll be back with our usual daily maths lessons from Miss Morecroft and myself, as well as some Science on Monday, Guided Reading on Wednesday and some Literacy work throughout the week.


Have a good weekend.

-Mr Earl & Miss Morecroft

Monday 4th May

Happy Monday Aslans!


Firstly, we wanted to say a huge thank you to you and your grown ups for your amazing music video. It was so lovely to see all your smiley faces and your impressive dance moves. Grown ups, thank you for your entertaining contributions too!


We hope you're all excited for another week of learning at home. This week in Maths, we'll be recapping shapes with a twist (have a look at our maths page to find out more!), continuing to practise multiplication with Mr Earl and then we have our Y3 TimesTable Rockstar Battle against Charlies on Friday. Don't forget to get some practise in this week! 


Here's what else you will find on the blog this week:

Literacy Project - Finding out more about palm oil and practising writing persuasively

Super Spellings - words with a short /u/ sound spelt with the letter 'o'

Guided Reading(Wednesday) - a new text and activities from Mr Earl

The Explorer - listen to find out what the children get up to next on their adventure

Get Creative - How to Make A Rainforest Shaker 




Miss Morecroft and Miss Wieczorek x


SHAKE IT and smile for the camera! Click here to upload a photo or video of your rainforest shaker in action.


Have you seen our

Y3 Rainforest Literacy Project?

Click here

to have a go at some of

the creative writing activities.

Friday 24th April


Aslans, you are just superstars! We are so impressed with all the fantastic work you have been dong at home. Thank you for continuing to work so hard - there is no stopping you! We hope you are enjoying the maths videos and the other activities on the blog as well as keeping active and being kind and helpful.


With home learning continuing for a bit longer, we are adding more exciting things to the blogs to keep you busy! We will be continuing to post maths activities for you to have a go at each day. I will be teaching you on Mondays and Tuesdays and Mr Earl will be doing Wednesdays and Thursdays. On Fridays, we are going to start doing BigMaths and TTRockstars activities too! I will be continuing to give you writing activities each week and Mr Earl will be setting you some guided reading work to have a go at. We will also post either a science or creative activity once a week. You can find all of these fun activities by clicking on the pictures at the top of this page. Enjoy!


Grown ups, thank you so much for all your hard work too - for taking the time to upload photos using the google forms and sending work through to enquiries. It is so lovely knowing that the children are accessing the blog and having a go at some of the work. If you have any questions at all or need anything more from us, please don't hesitate to get in touch by emailing  


Keep smiling Aslans!


Miss Morecroft and Miss Wieczorek x

Friday 20th March


Aslans, we are going to miss seeing your smiling faces while we are away from school but we will do our very best to help you continue with your learning and keep you entertained with lots of creative ideas through this page. Thank you for always being your amazing selves, you are truly wonderful. We can't wait to see you when we're all back in school!

Grown ups, thank you so much for all your kind words and messages over the last week. We will be posting daily maths activities here with a range of questions for children to attempt at home. There is also the school Learning Log which has links to lots of fantastic resources, including writing tasks, to support your child's learning during this period. If you have any questions at all or need anything more from us, we will do whatever we can so please don't hesitate to get in touch by emailing Also, we would love to see any photos of what you're all getting up to at home so please send these in and we will share these on the blog too. 


We will see you all soon!


Lots of love,


Miss Morecroft and Miss Wieczorek x


Here are some of the ideas which the Aslans thought of today for things you could do at home as well as a Walkley timetable made by Mr Wallis which we thought might help to keep you busy over the coming weeks. It even has links when it's open on your computer - have a look for yourself!

Useful links

Classroom Secrets Kids - free interactive games across the curriculum

Twinkl - free access to resources across the curriculum using the code UKTWINKLHELPS 


Audible Stories - All children's stories are free to stream on your desktop, laptop, phone or tablet.

Audible - Free 30-day trial - Children can listen to our current class story 'The Explorer' by Katherine Rundell

Grammarsaurus - fantastic videos to engage and support children with their understanding of grammar and punctuation

Oxford Owl - free audio books for children


Maths 4 Kids - Fantastic videos covering a range of topics in maths with examples and questions for children to try themselves.


Art for Kids Hub - Brilliant step by step videos teaching children how to draw different animals and objects. 


Supermovers - lots of fun routines to get children moving while they learn
