Every Wednesday, Mr Earl will be posting a Guided Reading text for you to read through with your children and ask them questions relating to the key reading skills:
- Understanding the words that they have read (vocabulary);
- Inferring meaning from what they have read;
- Retelling and understanding the text in the correct sequence;
- Summarising effectively;
- Retrieving information from the text;
- Predicting what will happen later in the story;
- Understanding that the author has made choices for effect;
- Commenting on their own opinion and where they notice similarities and differences between texts.
Each text will be posted with three tasks designed to develop one or more of the above reading skills.
Attached below are some question prompts for you to use as your children read the texts with you.
Mr Earl
Monday 22nd June
Good morning Aslans!
From today, your maths and literacy home learning will be posted on the new LKS2 blog which will be updated by Miss Travis, Miss Kendall and Mr Rist over the coming weeks while Mr Earl and I are in school teaching. You can still access this page if there are activities you want to have a go at.
We still want to see all your super work (and your smiley faces!) so please do keep sending this in.
We miss you lots,
Miss Morecroft and Miss Wieczorek x
Wednesday 17th June
Hello Aslans! It's Miss Travis here with your guided reading tasks for this week. Did you know that last Monday (8th June) was World Ocean Day? The aim of this day is for people to get together to create a better future and protect our oceans. Last year, you did some fantastic work learning about how to protect the ocean - I loved singing the Plastic Bag song with you all! For this week's guided reading I've chosen a good news story from last week about how lockdown has reduced pollution in the ocean and resulted in the return of seahorses to Studland Bay. I find seahorses such fascinating creatures - they are really majestic and unique. I hope you enjoy the news story and please click here if you would like to share your work - we'd love to see what you get up to!
Wednesday 10th June 2020
This week's reading text is all about the birds that you might find in your garden. I've really enjoyed watching the birds come to eat from the bird tables that I made and the feeder that I put out. What type of birds visit your garden?
There are three levels of text for you to choose from - parents might want to direct you to which one they think is best.
I'd advise that you read the text and complete Activity 1 on Wednesday, reread the text and do Activity 2 on Thursday and finally reread the text again and finish up Activity 3 on Friday.
Wednesday 3rd June 2020
This week's reading text is a newsreport about the recent SpaceX rocket launch. Did you watch the launch on Saturday?
Watch the video of the launch and then read through the text.
I'd advise that you read the text and complete Activity 1 on Wednesday, reread the text and do Activity 2 on Thursday and finally reread the text again and finish up Activity 3 on Friday.
Wednesday 20th May 2020
This week's reading text is a non-fiction text about the famous basketballer Michael Jordan. Have you heard of Michael Jordan before? If so, what do you already know about him?
Read the text to an adult, then tell them five facts that you have learned about Micahel Jordan. I'd advise that you read the text and complete Activity 1 on Wednesday, reread the text and do Activity 2 on Thursday and finally reread the text again and finish up Activity 3 on Friday.
Wednesday 13th May 2020
This week's reading text is a movie review. Read the text to an adult, then talk to them about what you think that the movie was about and whether or not the reviewer liked it. Can you spot any links between this movie and what we've been doing in Literacy? The trailer for the movie is below. You might want to give that a watch first.
Try to space the activities out. I'd advise that you read the text and complete Activity 1 on Wednesday, reread the text and do Activity 2 on Thursday and finally reread the text again and finish up Activity 3 on Friday.
Wednesday 6th May 2020
This week's reading text is a non-fiction text about one of my favourite South American animals - the jaguar!
Read the text to an adult, then talk to them about what you've learned. There are some tricky words in this factual text, so I've included a glossary. I wonder how many of those words you already knew?
Try to space the activities out. I'd advise that you read the text and complete Activity 1 on Wednesday, reread the text and do Activity 2 on Thursday and finally reread the text again and finish up Activity 3 on Friday
Wednesday 29th April 2020
This week's reading text is just part of a story. Read the text to an adult, then talk to them about what type of story you think
it could be. Where is the story set? What happened before this section started? What will happen next? Who is the story about? Is there one main character or more?
Try to space the activities out. I'd advise that you read the text and complete Activity 1 on Wednesday, reread the text and do
Activity 2 on Thursday and finally reread the text again and finish up Activity 3 on Friday.
Thursday 23rd April 2020
As today is St. George's Day, I thought it would be nice to explore the legend of St. George.
First, there's a quick video that retells the story of St. George and the Dragon. Then, read through the guided reading text attached and have a go at the activities. There are three activities for you to complete. Try to space them out to one per day. You should be able to reread the text and complete each activity within 20 minutes.