COVID recovery premium report
The DFE has allocated £650 million to be spent on ensuring all pupils have the chance to catch up and support schools to enable them to do so. Headteachers have the autonomy to decide how the money will be used within their own setting and circumstances. We aim that all pupils will receive a high-quality education, that involves many opportunities for talking and discussion and prepares them for to be on a par with pupils nationally as the transition to Year 7. Our children will recover in a calm, unpressurised, supportive, encouraging and nurturing environment over time. Walkley Primary School has received £8,000
We will teach a broad range of subjects offering the full curriculum. This will not be narrowed to the teaching of reading, writing and numeracy only. We will teach an ambitious and broad curriculum using many quality opportunities for literacy and numeracy to be taught within the wider curriculum; as well as making use of flexibilities to create time to teach and consolidate the most important concepts missed. We will plan based on the educational needs of pupils as we always do, whilst working on the wider strategies which are essential for pupils to reach their academic potential. At Walkley Primary School we are offering a Recovery programme for all pupils which will focus on:
Wider strategies
Targeted academic support as required