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PE and Sport Premium

Sports Premium Funding supports our PE provision; please see below for more details. Additional documents relating to PE and School Sport can also be found at the bottom of the page.


What is Sports Premium Funding?

The Sports Premium Funding is an initiative facilitated by the current Government to enhance the provision of P.E. and School Sport in primary schools. The funding, a direct response to London 2012, has been available to primary schools since 2013-2014. Each year, primary schools receive a lump sum depending on the number of pupils on roll and then a further £10.00 per pupil on roll.

Initially, the funding that Walkley Primary received allowed the school to continue developing its provision. The school will continue to develop its P.E. curriculum, providing a rich, varied and balanced provision with resources enhanced, providing quality staff CPD and high quality teaching and learning for all children. It will also provide further exciting opportunities for all children to be challenged and allow them to compete in school and out of school.


The Association for Physical Education (afPE) website provides advice on how the Primary PE & Sport Premium should be used.

Please read the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.


What will Walkley Primary School use the funding for this year?

WPS received £18920 in funding for the year 2022-23. We directed our Sports Premium funding for this year towards dedicated time for physical fitness, quality PE provision and improving the offer to pupils during playtimes and lunchtimes through provision, CPD and better links with our Secondary partner school.


The funds were spent on resources, specialist staff to supplement WPS staff, CPD, transport, participation in competitions through engagement with Arches School Partnership , health and wellbeing interventions and further training and resources including the Famous Five Multi Skills package and associated training.
