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Homework guidance...

In Skywalkers, homework is given out on a Friday, to be returned by the following Thursday. It will usually consist of Learn Its/Spellings and short Literacy and Numeracy tasks.

Homework is intended to supplement class teaching - it is highly unlikely to be something completely unfamiliar to you! If you are struggling with the homework tasks, your first option is to seek help from someone at home (maybe an older brother or sister, who are often keen to show off their knowledge!)

If this doesn't work, please speak to Mr. Gamage or Miss. Edge in school. We are both here to help!

Spelling Contract Activities

In the Spelling Contract Activities document, you will find many different ways of achieving your weekly 50 points for our Spelling Race - boosting your chances to win a Bronze, Silver or Gold certificate!
This week's homework is due in tomorrow - thank you and well done to the 19 Skywalkers who have already brought in your homework books; remember to add your 15 or 10 House Points!