We have had a fantastic week getting to know the children in Aslan class and are really pleased with the way children have settled back into school life. It is so lovely to see our new classroom filled with smiley faces! We have had an exciting and busy first week exploring our class book, the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and we hope all the children have a good rest over the weekend ready for us to start our new creative curriculum and science topics next week.
- Week 2 -
In maths, the children have been practising representing numbers up to 1000 as a part-whole model using Base 10 equipment. This will help them with their understanding of the value of each digit within a number. They have enjoyed challenging themselves to answer mild, hot, spicy and even some super sizzling maths questions! Great work Aslans!
- Week 3 -
It's been another busy week in Aslan class! In Literacy, we have been practising our inference skills by getting into character and using drama to help us work out how the characters in the story of Ferdinand are feeling and what they might be thinking. This will be very useful for when we write our diary entries as the outraged matador!
Y3 Aslans were certainly looking the part in PE this week as they practised the basic steps of the traditional Spanish dance, Flamenco! In creative curriculum, they have been busy designing their very own flamenco dresses which they will later be creating using collage techniques. They have taken inspiration from the patterns in the story Lola's Fandango for their designs.
- Week 4 -
In Literacy, Y3 have been learning about what makes an effective diary entry and have put themselves in the matador’s shoes, using drama to help them infer thoughts and feelings at different points in the story. The children were then tasked with writing their own diary entry from an upsetting day in the matador’s life when, after years of practising, he takes on ‘Ferdinand the Fierce’ in the corrida. It’s safe to say it wasn’t quite the performance he was hoping for! We will share some examples of their fantastic published writing next week.
On Tuesday, the Aslans were working with a partner to create their flamenco dresses using collage techniques. We will share photos of the fantastic final dresses once they're complete!
In maths, the Aslans have been doing lots of work around the place value of digits in a number. This week, they have been practising comparing and ordering 3-digit numbers. They particularly enjoyed the Hungry Alligator song. Be warned - it's pretty catchy!
On Friday afternoon, we all had a fantastic time doing Dazzle Dance on the playground!!
Dazzle Dance!
- Week 5 -
This week, the Aslans have been busy publishing their dramatic matador diary entries. Here are some examples of the children's fantastic work. All the Y3s did an amazing job of taking on the role of the angry matador - keep it up superstars!
The Aslans also enjoyed a 'sleepover movie night' watching Ferdinand as their treat for reaching 100 classwide rewards. A well deserved reward Y3!
We've been jumping to our feet and learning our 3 times table with Professor Pippette!
In creative curriculum, the children have started making their castanets - a typical percussion instrument of flamenco and spanish music. They have been practising clapping, stomping and clicking different Flamenco rhythms.
Magnificent Magnets
In Science this half term, we have been learning about 'Magnets and Forces'. This week we have been learning about magnetic fields and investigating how magnets interact. We learnt that every magnet has both a north and a south pole and when you place the north pole of one magnet near the south pole of another magnet, they are attracted to one another. When you place the same poles of two magnets near each other (north to north or south to south), they will repel each other.
Next week, we will be using our knowledge of magnetic materials and how magnets interact to design and create our very own magnetic board games!
- Week 7 -
This week, our Aslan fashion designers have added the finishing touches to their fabulous flamenco dresses!
In Literacy, we have been practising using different senses when writing a setting description. The children have been learning how to use prepositions to add detail to their description by explaining where things are as well as beginning to organise their ideas into paragraphs around a theme. As authors, we are starting to make choices about how we want to make our reader feel. This might be excited and happy or slightly uncertain about what is about to happen. Read some examples of their dramatic descriptions below...
- Week 8 -
Having received funding from Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand, Christopher Columbus set sail on his epic voyage across the Atlantic Ocean in hope of sailing west to India. We have listened to sound tracks to help us imagine what it would have been like on the ship with the extreme weather the crew would have faced. We learnt a poem called 'The Sound Collector' and used this to write our own rhyming poems based on Columbus' journey and the sounds of the stormy Atlantic Ocean.
Wow! What an amazing 8 weeks. Thank you for being superstars and for all the fantastic work you have done so far.
We hope you have a lovely week off and can't wait to see you back in school on Monday 2nd November ready to celebrate the Mexican festival Dia de los Muertos!
The Sound Stealing Sailor
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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