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Autumn 1

Week 7

Well done to our Golden Book winners of the week! You are all amazing and we are super proud of you!

We have used charcoal this week to create some amazingly detailed observational drawings of prehistoric animals. We learned skills such as shading and smudging and then applied these to create texture and tone in our drawings. I'm sure you'll agree that the results were fantastic!

In maths this week we have been comparing and ordering numbers to 1000. Sing along and have a play on this game to see how your children are doing.

Greater Than Less Than Song for Kids | Comparing Numbers to 1000

Create the perfect lesson plan with unique activities, worksheets, and quizzes that go along with this video at: Thank you for watching our Greater Than Less Than Song For Kids. We hope you liked it!

In PE we have come to the end of our unit of Football so we put our newly learned skills to the test with some epic football matches!

Week 6

Well done to our Golden Book winners of the week! You are all amazing and we are super proud of you!

This week the Borrowers had their first violin lesson! We learned how to hold the violin and all the parts of the violin in a song set to the tune of 'heads, shoulders, knees and toes'. See if your child can remember it!


Scroll, strings, neck and bridge, neck and bridge

Scroll, strings, neck and bridge, neck and bridge

and pegs and chin rest and the finger board

Scroll, strings, neck and bridge, neck and bridge

We have had our first forest school of Y3 this week and we went back in time to the Stone Age. We looked at examples of cave art found in Argentina and created our own. 





The Borrowers are poetry performers! Here is our performance of 'The Age of Stone', recorded in the Forest School.

Y3 The Borrowers Age of Stone Poem Performance

Uploaded by WPS Video on 2022-10-17.

We have been using Stone Age Boy as the basis for our story writing. We learned the text as a talk story and added actions to help us remember it.

Week 5

Well done to our Golden Book winners of the week! You are all amazing and we are super proud of you!

We have continued working on our drawing skills this week by focusing on texture. We learned some techniques that artists use, such as hatching and stippling. We looked for examples of these techniques and then had a go at some observational drawing of stone age animals, making sure that we made them look textured and woolly!

Week 4

Well done to our Golden Book winners of the week! You are all amazing and we are super proud of you!

What a fantastic start to the week we have had with our 'surviving the stone age' workshop! The children looked fantastic in their costumes and did lots of fun activities throughout the morning to teach them some of the aspects of daily living in the stone age. They all learned lots and showed a fantastic understanding and knowledge of the time. 

Week 3

Well done to our Golden Book winners of the week! You are all amazing and we are super proud of you!

What an amazing response to the first homework task of the year! We have been astounded by the number and quality of model huts brought in by the Borrowers, along with drawings and writing in Learning Logs. We are really looking forward to seeing your future efforts as the year progresses. Here are some examples of the homework submitted - we have enough huts to make a small village!

Week 2

Well done to our first Golden Book winners of the year! You are all amazing and we are super proud of you!

In computing we have been using our class book, The Borrowers, to create settings. We learned how to import a photo of a setting from the Borrowers and then we illustrated the characters and some of their objects using paint tools. I think there are some very professional illustrations and I'm sure you'll agree!

This week in maths, we have been getting practical and using maths equipment to show our understanding of numbers to 100. We have shown how numbers can be represented in different ways and how 10 ones are always equal to 1 ten!


If you'd like to practise some more, have a go at playing Place Value Basketball by clicking here

Week 1

What a fantastic start to the year the Borrowers have had! I have been blown away by their creativity, kindness and team work skills! We have started reading our class book, The Borrowers, and started to think about how Borrowers might use everyday objects. We worked together to create inventions for the Borrowers to use and then wrote clear and imaginative sentences about our inventions. 

In PE, we worked on team work and got out the parachute. It was really fun to see everyone working together and helping each other and of course there was also some friendly competition. 

We have used our amazing creative zone to do some colour mixing in our first art lesson. We used water colours to create shades of green and then recreated the view that Arietty has through the grate in her underground home. 
