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Autumn 1

In Science we went for a walk around the playground, looking for animals and identifying which group they fit into. The children managed to find a number of different animals in a short space of time!

In RE the children consolidated their learning of the Christian creation story by making freeze frames of different parts of the story. Can you guess which parts they are?

In our computing lessons we have been using apps on the ipads to enhance our learning. This week we used Apple maps to find roads, cities, oceans and deserts.

In RE the children learned the Christian beliefs of creation and sequenced the story. We discussed the Christian belief of humans as 'caretakers'. The children acted out things they have looked after and we had to guess what they were.

In Science the children have been learning about different animal groups. In groups they observed different animals and sorted them into the groups.

Later in the week, the Posties went to forest school for their maths lesson. The children are now confident representing and counting numbers to 10. They can say the numbers to 10 verbally, represent objects and images using counters and cubes, and write the numeral to match. In this small step, children are learning to recognise each numeral as a word. At this point, children are not expected to write the words independently. Instead, they use matching activities to help build recognition and confidence. They were choosing natural materials and counting them, matching the number to the word they were given.

In forest school this week the children have been on an 'autumn hunt', looking for signs of autumn. They particularly enjoyed observing the ripe apples on the trees and picking their own. In RE the children were asked to find one special item in nature. We discussed Christian beliefs about creation.

This term in Maths, the year ones are learning about place value. Understanding numbers and what they represent is a crucial foundation for learning maths through their lives. So far we have been exploring sorting objects, counting objects, representing objects with numbers and manipulatives, recognising numbers as words and counting on from any number up to 10.

In Science this week the children have been exploring the question 'What is Science?' by going on a scavenger hunt around the classroom; the children found objects that had been hidden and brought them back to the carpet for discussion.

In RE the children have been learning about the concept of creation through making their own creations and describing how they feel about their creation.
