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Autumn 1

Week 7

Caterpillars, we have made it! What a fabulous half term. We have been so busy and I can't believe you've only been at school for 7 weeks! 

This week we have been looking at firefighters and talking about Bonfire Night and Diwali. We met with my Dad and had a great time asking him about life as a firefighter. 


The Caterpillars have worked on different ways on moving in P.E. They are getting very good! 


Have a fantastic half term and we will see you in a week!


Miss Hill 

Week 6

The Caterpillars this week have been busy finishing off our Eric Carle Art from last week, looking at our school, comparing in maths and hunting for Autumn apples in the orchard! 

We used the iPads to take photographs of signs of Autumn. 

We made cookies with the apples we found in the forest and enjoyed tasting it together. We used oatS, apples and mashed banana. They were delicious. 

Well done Caterpillars. 

From Miss Hill 

Week 5

In maths this week, we have been busy sorting. This is a great skill and helps us at tidy up time too! 

Using our skills of matching from the week before, we are able to sort into groups. 


We have been looking at Handa's surprise this week. This is linking to our Harvest Festival where we are learning about Lebanon. We chatted about all of the different fruits in the story and then looked at The Hungry Caterpillar story. We noticed we knew a lot more of the fruits in our story, rather than the fruits from the African story. 

We decided to paint the fruits from The Hungry Caterpillar story in the style of Eric Carle.  

We had a fabulous Class Wide Reward party! For our first party, the Caterpillars voted on a Pyjama Party! A great celebration of our first weeks at school... what could our next party be? 

Thank you for a lovely week. 


Miss Hill 

Week 4 

This week, we have been talking about our families. It has been lovely to hear about who lives in your house. We have drawn some fabulous pictures of our families and we can't wait for you to see them! 

We have started our Read Write Inc phonics this week. We have met Fred the Frog and have learnt m,a,s,d! We have been practicing our letter formation and doing lots of phonics games.

In maths, we have been looking at matching! We have matched by size, shape, colour and most importantly... making sure they are exactly the same. 

We are pros at matching socks now... hear this adults... just ask us to help with the washing! 

Thank you for a great week! 


Miss Hill 

Week 3 

This week, we have been celebrating all things Catepillar! We have been chatting about who we live with, what we look like, what we like to do and our favourite foods! We have read some lovely stories called 'It's good to be different, Something Else and We are all Different.' 

We have all decorated our own caterpillars and they look beautiful hanging in our classroom. 

In P.E, we are exploring different ways of moving and are learning to find a space, listen to instructions and try our very best not to fall over! 


We are enjoying getting to know each other and making lots of new friends. 

Thank you, everyone. 


Miss Hill


Week 2

We are so proud of the Caterpillars. We are learning lots of new routines and rules and are enjoying life at school. 

This week, we have been looking at ourselves! We are learning lots about each other. Our names, families, pets and what we look like. We have been drawing pictures of ourselves to go up on the wall in the classroom. We can't wait to see how the drawings change over the next year and see what details we might have missed the first time we did it!

Well done Caterpillars! 


Miss Hill 

Week 1 

What a fabulous week we have had in Caterpillars. The children have settled in so well, we are so proud of them. 

We have had a busy week. We have been on a tour of the school, played on the trim trail, played lots of getting to know you games and explored our classroom. 

The children have learnt our school rules and of course... enjoyed our first lunch. 

They are doing so well and we can't wait to see what the year ahead holds. 

Well done everyone! 


Miss Hill 
