Welcome to Anansi class! We have had a fantastic week getting to know you all and settling into Year 1! We have been busy making our class wide reward charts and are well on the way to getting our first treat that the class have chosen a selection of options to pick from. We have been enjoying playing with our friends in Anansi and getting to know each other with songs and games.
We have also been enjoying drama and acting out the Anansi story together. Who do you think should have been given the globe of light?
Keep up the good work Anansi, we're going to have a great year together!
Please come to school in PE kit uniform on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please bring a water bottle every day to school, children are encouraged to drink regularly throughout the day. Don't forget your bookbag with reading record and reading book in as adults often read with pupils or pupils have reading time in school. Pupils receive a point towards their reading race every time they read at home. There is a reward after each 10 reads.