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Autumn 1

Week 7


Over the past few weeks, we have been writing about a lost hedgehog. We have written a poster asking the woodland animals if they have seen him. This week, we completed our first golden write. Everyone tried super hard and they came up with some fantastic posters.


Over this half term, we have been looking at the artist Yayoi Kusama. We have made sculptures made out of plasticine and then we made our infinity room out of the shoe boxes you brought in. I think you will agree they all look absolutely fantastic.


This week was a very special week in RE. After, learning about Christianity we were very lucky to have a Christian come into our school. We asked him many fabulous questions and then we listened to what he had to say from a Christians point of view. It was a fabulous lesson!

Class wide reward celebration  

What a fabulous way to finish off the half term. For our celebration we went into the creative zone and made pizzas. First, we put tomato puree on our pitta bread, then we sprinkled cheese onto them, after we put peppers and sweetcorn on them. After, they were cooked we ate them and they were delicious!


This week we have been reviewing our units on target games and fundamentals. There is a QR on the pictures if you would like to listen to our class discussion about our evaluation of these units.

Week 6


This week, we continued our work on target games. It was a tricky task, as we had to try and get a ball through a hoop which was moving. First, we moved the hoop on the floor and we had to work out when to release the ball so it went in the hoop. Next, we held the hoop and moved it, then we tried to get the ball through it. Lastly, we threw the hoop in the air and we had to work on our timing to get the ball in the hoop as the hoop came back down.


This week, we talked about what made us feel happy. We shared our favourite hobbies with each other, our favourite activities and the people which make us happy. We realised, that everyone is different and different things make different people happy.


In art, we finished our topic on Yayoi Kusama. We made our own infinity rooms by using a shoe box and sticking polka dots in them. We also used tin foil for the mirrors. We put our sculptures in it and they all look absolutely fantastic!

School Council

In class, we had to chose two children to be our class representatives for the school council. We talked about what the job entailed and then we each had a post it note and we wrote two names on it. After, we counted up the votes to see who we had chosen to represent the Seawigs.       

Week 5


This week, we have been using golf putters in our target games unit of work. We learnt how to hold the golf putters properly, then we used that skill to try and hit the ball to our partner. After, we played a game where we had to hit the ball, and the target was a cone. We added a little competition to see who could hit the cone most after five goes in our pairs.


This week, the invention we learnt about was plastic. We learnt that Leo Baekeland invented plastic in 1907. We found out that plastic revolutionized the world. It was cheap and everyone could afford it and it could be used to make lots of different products. For our task we had to cut up pictures and determine if they were a positive or negative change to the world.   


In art, we have been learning about a famous Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama. This week, we made our sculpture out of playdough which we will put into our infinity room (shoe box) next week. We all had a great time making our sculptures.


This week, we have been learning about micro habitats. We went to the Forest School area on a mini beast hunt. While we were there, we found many different types of min beasts. We made a tally chart of what we found. We had lots of fun looking and picking the min beasts up.


This week, we learnt about typing on a keyboard on the Ipads’s. We opened a programme on the Ipad and then we used our English books to type up some of our work. Then, we learnt how to save it.

All the aeroplanes you made out of recycled materials look amazing and we have hung many from the classroom celling. Take a look.

Week 4

Forest School

This week, we have really enjoyed going to forest school. Before, we went we learnt all about maps. We looked at a map of the Walkley grounds which had grid references. Then, we had to find certain items that had been hidden around the forest school area and say what grid reference they were in. Also, we learnt about compasses. We all had a compass and kept turning until we found north. Once we had found north, we could then work out where east, south and west were. We all had a fantastic forest school week.


This week, we started to build up to our next write about a missing Hedgehog. For our first lesson, we went on a Hedgehog hunt. We had to creep around outside and try and find the hedgehog. Once we found the hedgehog, we took it inside and used adjectives to describe it.


In science, we have been learning all about animals and their habitats. We learnt about what a habitat is and then worked together to group animals in the correct habitat.


This week, has been our school election week. We watched all the video of all the Y6’s who were running for council positions. The next day, we were taken to our voting room by some members from the Sheffield City Council. We used chrome books to vote and then talked in class about democracy.

Week 3

We have had another fantastic week in the Seawig class this week.


This week, we have been learning about partitioning numbers. We have used the part, part whole model to help us separate the tens and ones. After, we moved onto finding different ways in which to partition numbers. We used maths manipulatives to help.


This half term, we are learning about sculptures. This week, we manipulated playdough into different shapes. We flattened it with rolling pins, made it into balls and then used instruments to create patterns on the playdough. After, we had a go at making a mini sculpture.


This week, we have had a music teacher come into our class to teach us the recorders. We learnt how to steady our breath before blowing into the recorder, we learnt how to sit up straight and have both our feet firmly on the ground before we started to play.


In history, we have been learning about the invention of the telephone. We found out that Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. We leant all about different telephones and we put them in order on a time line.


We have had seen some fantastic inventions which the children have drawn and labelled for their homework. This week, is all about researching an inventor and making a quiz about that person. The weekly maths and spelling are online so keep practicing.

Have a super weekend and see you all on Monday.


Week 2

What a fabulous week we have had in the Seawigs class.


This week, we have been doing some work based on our class book Oliver and the Seawigs. We had read the first three chapters of the book and we will be writing a recount in the coming weeks. We have been practicing the order of the story by sequencing pictures, looking at features of a recount and then we have acted out the story as a class.


In history, we have started learning about inventions. We have looked at inventions such as the light bulb, the aeroplane and the first computer. We placed all the inventions on a time line so we could see which was the oldest invention on our time line. We are going to add to our time line throughout our topic.


We have continued our learning around the question of ‘is it possible to be kind to people all the time?’ We looked at the story of The Good Samaritan and thought about what Jesus taught the world through this story. We learnt that Jesus taught us to always show kindness. After, our discussion we then drew a picture which we thought represented kindness from the story.


This week, we have been learning about place value. We have looked at how many tens and ones are in a given number. We learnt that we always count the tens first then we count the ones after.


Have a great weekend and see you on Monday for some more fantastic learning!


Week 1 

What a fabulous three days we have had in the Seawigs. Miss Mason and I have been so impressed with everyone's start to year two. You have all settled in so well to life in the Seawigs. Everyone has done super listening and everyone has tried super hard with all the activities we have done over the past few days. 



This week, we have learnt about what makes a happy school and how we can make school a nice place to come to each day. We had some fantastic ideas such as following the school rules and being kind to everyone.



This week, we have learnt the song, "Hands, Feet and Heart". We listened to the song, found the pulse to the song and then learnt the words. Everyone did a great job and Miss Mason and I were so impressed with your excellent singing.



This term in RE we will try to answer the question, "Can we be kind all of the time?" through the Christian teachings of Jesus. The children impressed us so much with how they spoke and listened to each other. We also made a conscience alley where we gave advice to puppets who had either been unkind or were upset.


Have a great weekend and see you all on Monday.
