Forest School
The Sun Kings avoided the rain (yay!) and spent time in the Forest School during this last week of the half term. On Monday, we treasure-hunted some words that we could use in our writing and on Wednesday, we built models of 'shadufs' (an ancient Egyptian 'crane' that was - and still is in some places - used to move water for irrigation). We experimented with moving the fulcrum and the positions of the baskets and observed what effect this had on the ability to move loads.
In Computing this term we've been learning how to create a website. We looked at the features of good websites before designing and creating our own. We linked our learning in history and made websites with information on the Ancient Egyptians.
This term in Y5 we have been learning the skills required for playing netball. Each session has focused on a different skill which has led up to playing a full game of netball this week. We've been so lucky with the weather and managed to have every session outside!
Exploring with Clay
This week we have been exploring using clay in our art lesson. We began by making different shapes and then learnt how to carve and and join pieces together. Finally we learnt and practised how to make a pinch pot.
Freeze Frames
The Y5 text this term in English is How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell. This week we've been exploring the main characters we've been introduced to in the first two chapters. We worked in groups to create these fabulous freeze frames.
Ancient Egyptian Sculpture
We started our sculpture project this week. Children used books to research information about Canopic Jars. We created a double page spread in our sketch books with information and sketches of the jars.