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Autumn 1

Week 1

Wow! The children have impressed us so much with their enthusiasm, lovely manners and sense of fun. We have been very busy getting to know one another, learning new routines and doing lots of activities! Well done to all for making the last 3 days so brilliant.

In maths lessons, we have been building numbers using rekenreks, numicon, base ten, counters and dice. The children showed lovely teamwork and good place value knowledge!

In PE this term we will be learning about the fundementals of PE. Today we looked at how to run fast by: 1. Moving our arms from pocket to mouth 2. Using long strides 3. Running on our toes and keeping our knees high. Here are the hodgehegs cheering on each other as we had a series of different relay races.

Week 2

The Number Bonds to Ten Song

The class have been brilliant at learning their bonds to ten. Some have also made the link that "If I know 3 add 7 equals 10, 30 add 70 equals 100 and that 3,000,000 add 7,000,000 equals 10,000,000!"

In PE we have a "Ball Skills" topic this term. In this lesson we learnt to accurately roll different sized balls by focusing on our balance and follow through. We also did some skipping as a warm down!

Today we went on a hedgehog safari in preparation for our first write which will be a missing poster about Max the hodgeheg. The children used great vocabulary such as "He has bright, brown and black eyes", "His belly is soft and grey" and "He has a pointy nose and a small bump on his head but he still looks cute!" Back in class, some children imagined they were speaking to woodland animals and made speeches about the missiing hedgehog . Well done all for letting your imagination run free!

In Science, we were categorising pictures between "living, dead or never alive." This is our first lesson of the topic "Animals and Living Things".

In English, the children have been looking at how to use pronouns and identifying the tense in sentences. Here we are unscrambling sentences. Great pair work everyone!
