This week we have learnt 5 new sounds including; e,l,h,sh,r. We are getting very good at reading simple words and having a go at writing them. Enjoy using your RWI packs over the holiday and see what exciting ways you can use the sounds.
In Little Big Maths, we have been looking at repeating patterns. We have made paper chain to decorate our classroom. It is looking great! See how many patterns you can spot over the holiday. Some have already been found in the kitchen.
Well done everyone! It really has been a fantastic half term. Miss Hargreaves and I are very proud of all you have achieved. Have a lovely rest... ready for a term of celebrations!
Miss Hill
We have worked very hard this week in Read Write Inc. We now know lots of sounds and have started blending sounds together to make CVC words (consonant, vowel, consonant). We have made lots of words using the sounds we know so far; m,a,s,d,t,i,n,p,g,o,c,k,u,b,f. Fred has done lots of reading and writing with the children this week. We have used our Fred Talk and Fred Fingers to help us.
In Little Big Maths, we looked at ordering numbers 1-10. We used our fine motor skills to peg the washing on the washing line in the right order. We looked at Numicon and talked about how the different shaped pieces represent different numbers.
Our afternoons have been spent making puppets for our puppet show. Every child has made a caterpillar and they look fantastic. Children that wanted to, have volunteered to make butterflies and cocoons. We are excited to film our puppet show next week.
Thank you everyone.
Miss Hill
This week in Read Write Inc, we have looked at the next 5 sounds (i,n,p,g,o). We are building up a good collection to be able to make simple words. Bring you Read Write Inc packs in every Friday.
In Little Big Maths, we have been looking at shapes. We have talked about properties of 2D shapes. We have been looking all around us for circles, triangles, squares and rectangles. We are making shape monsters using the shapes we have looked at. Please have a look at them, they are hanging up in the classroom.
We have also been looking at our class book 'The Hungry Caterpillar'. We have discussed the order of the story. We want to make sure that when we retell the story, the caterpillar eats his food in the right order. We now know that stories have a beginning, middle and end.
Well done Caterpillars. Another great week.
Miss Hill
The Hungry Caterpillars are very busy. We have started our Read Write Inc phonics. We are all doing so well. We have learnt m,a,s,d, and t so far. We are using these sounds to write simple words. We have met Fred and are very good teachers. He is learning to segment words and blend them back together (m-a-t = mat).
In maths, we have been looking at numbers 1-10. We have been on number hunts around the garden, played 'guess the number' and built bridges over the the river by putting the numbers into the right order.
Well done Caterpillars. You are working so hard.
Miss Hill
Today the children went on an Autumn walk to look for signs of Autumn. We looked for items on our Autumn checklist. We found fungi, berries, leaves and bare trees.
It was very windy, we watched the wind blow the leaves all around.
We had a fantastic time in the Secret Garden. We enjoyed exploring a new environment and seeing what great opportunities we can find to investigate.
We started the week with a game of '1, 2, 3 Where Are You?'. This game helped us know how to be safe by not going too far away. We looked at how to keep safe in the forest. We made piles of sticks. Some were long, some were short and some were in the middle.
We enjoyed making nature pictures and using an iPad to take a photograph. This was hard to make sure the whole picture fitted on the screen.
Mr Butler came to visit, we watched him build a bonfire. We toasted marshmallows and enjoyed eating them.
We had a really good time exploring and loved being outside.
We are beginning to master getting changed and not loosing track of all of your clothes.
Please look at our display in the classroom to see what we got up to.
Thank you for your support during a very busy week.
Miss Hill
The Caterpillars had a wonderful afternoon at forest schools. As part of our science topic we are learning about seasons and looking at signs of Autumn. The children became Autumn explorers and collected leaves of all different shapes, sizes and colours. We used the leaves to make leaf kebabs for the Hungry Caterpillar!! I wonder if the kebabs will still be there on our next visit to the forest?
Week 3 has been very busy so far.
We have stamped caterpillars with apples. Check out our display in the classroom. We had lots of fun.
We have also had our first P.E lesson. We were very good at getting changed into our P.E kits, (we have set ourselves a goal to get faster!)
We have finished our plate faces and they look great. We are very proud of what we have done and they are hanging in the classroom.
Our Creative Wall is getting full as children are filling their spaces. We love sharing our work and being proud of each others work.
Thanks for a great week Caterpillars!
Miss Hill
We have had a fantastic first week in Caterpillars.
We have been so busy and have learnt lots already.
Well done Caterpillars. What a fantastic start to school.
From Miss Hill