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Autumn 1 World at War

- Week 1 -


W E L C O M E   T O   Y 6 ! 

Our new classroom is filled with a huge variety of books for children to read. We enjoyed exploring and choosing our first read for the year - it was hard to pick just one! We also made origami tiger bookmarks ready for all the books we're going to read this year! If you would like to have a go at making a different animal at home, click HERE to watch the video tutorial. 

We have explored the different roles that form the Walkley School Council, considering the skills required for each position. Next week, we will be writing our speeches ahead of election day. 

We worked collaboratively to create tiger artwork using a variety of media. We enjoyed using both our classroom and the Creative Zone as workspaces. 

- Week 2 -

In Reading, we have been studying the poem 'The Tyger' by William Blake. 

In PE, we have been developing our basketball skills. We practised using our body to create a barrier between the ball and the defender when dribbling. 

- Week 3 -

In Computing, we have been exploring using micro:bits (tiny computers!) We created algorithms to make an animated name badge and beating heart. We then learnt how to create an emotions badge using the buttons. 

In Science, we have been reviewing our learning about 'Electricity' from Y4. This included constructing simple circuits and using scientific symbols to draw a diagram. We also looked at examples of circuits that would not work and the possible reasons why. 

In Art, we have been looking at the first world war through the eyes of British artist, Paul Nash. His works shows how the war impacted nature as well as people. 

Our first creative home learning challenge in Y6 was to create a model of a trench. We are so impressed with your creativity and attention to detail. 

- Week 4 -

In Reading, we have started our first 'Book Study'. We enjoyed reading the dramatic opening chapters of our class book, Tyger, and hearing how the author, S.F. Said, was inspired by William Blake's poem. 

In Writing, we have been analysing the language and structure used in balanced arguments before writing our own inspired by Michael Morpurgo's book 'Kensuke's Kingdom'. In our writing, we presented reasons for and against Micahael's family setting of on their voyage across the world before giving our own concluding thoughts. 

In Art this week, we explored the first world war from an alternative perspective through the work of American artist, Horace Pippin. We learnt about his life through the story 'A Splash of Red'. When exploring his paintings, we noticed some similarities with Paul Nash's work, including the sombre colours and scenes from the trenches. We also discussed the racial segregation present in Pippin's work. 

- Week 5 -

In English, we have continued reading Kensuke's Kingdom. We read the 'Ship's Logs' and mapped out the route taken by Michael and his family on the Peggy Sue. We will be writing letters from the characters on the boat to family and friends back home. 

In Computing, we explored choosing the flow of a program with a variable. We learnt how to code the micro:bit to make a light that switches on whe it gets dark using sensors and logicSensors are inputs that sense things in the real world, such as movement and light. Logic is how computers make decisions in code based on whether things are true or false.

In Art, we have been developing our painting skills. We explored using a 'wet on wet' technique to paint a poppy flower using watercolours. We explored creating paint of different consistencies and using brushes of different sizes. 

Walkley Primary School Voting Day 2024

- Week 6 -

- Week 7 -

In Music, we have been exploring the song 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams. We have practised playing along to the song, improvising with different rhythms and composing our own music to accompany the song. 


- Week 8 -

As promised, now that the school council election results have been released, the moment you've all been waiting for... the bloopers!! 
