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Autumn 2

Here is some information about the amazing Greta Thunberg! Have a look to get some information as part of one of your learning log tasks:

The Y2s have had lots of Christmas fun this week! here are a few photos from the Christmas party.

Our exciting visitor came yesterday! The children received a light up globe, lots of sharpie pens and smelly pens!

The children kindly chose to make bird feeders for their class wide reward party. We made natural ones using pine cones, spread and bird seed, then hung them up in the forest.

Year 2 had a fantastic time at the cinema. It was in 3D so it felt like we were actually in the ocean and we all learnt some very interesting facts.

Week 2
We've had lots of fun today for children in need and raised lots of money! This afternoon the children took part in a range of exciting activities- construction, games, dancing, cake decorating and colouring. 

This week in Maths we've been helping some mice to work out their baggage allowance for their holiday! The children had to find different combinations to make 10g, 20g and 100g.

Week 1

We started our new PE topic this week - Gymnastics. What a brilliant start! The children made a range of different shapes and helped their partner to make sure they were doing it correctly.

This week we've looked at two special mosques - the blue mosque in Turkey and the Great Mosque of Djenné in Mali. The children made detailed collages of these amazing mosques. They worked with great patience and care, well done!

We got the xylophones out this week to learn '3 Little Birds' by Bob Marley. We also looked at where Jamaica is on a globe and learnt some of the lyrics.

In Science, the children have been finding out about nocturnal and diurnal animals. They then learnt more specifically about foxes before making a poster and presenting it to the class.
