Maths-place value-teen numbers
This week we have been learning about place value with teen numbers-11-20. We have learned what each digit means, for example in 15 the '1' digit means '1 ten' and the 5 digit is '5 ones'. We have used Numicon and dienes to show how teen numbers are made up of tens and ones.
Can you see which numbers we have made? Can you explain the number 13?
Trip to St. Barts' church!
Anansi class went with the other classes to visit St. Barts' last Wednesday morning. We enjoyed walking down to the church together and meeting the people there. We went in groups to visit different areas to meet people pretending to be characters from the Christmas story. Next we had to interview them to find out who they were and what they were doing. Afterwards we were kindly given a drink and a biscuit before setting off back to school.
Can you remember who we met? Which was your favourite character and why?
Library Trip!
Last Wednesday afternoon we walked up to Walkley library. It was a lovely afternoon for a walk, we looked at the different houses and shops that we could see on the way. Anansi class enjoyed learning about the library and then choosing books to read or colouring or dressing up. Finally we had a story from the lovely librarian Laura.
Have you been before? What other libraries have you been to? What was your favourite part?
Last Thursday we made the tram journey across Sheffield to Cineworld and enjoyed How to train your Dragon 3.
Most of us really enjoyed the film, and those that didn't made dragons and had a picnic in the foyer.
What a wonderful trip. Thanks intofilm, cineworld and supertram!