Hot news! Back by popular demand...Walkley's Got Talent!
Are you a dancer? A singer? Do you have skills? Can you make a rabbit disappear? Are your jokes epic? If the answer to any of these questions is "Yes!", then you're just the kind of person we will need on Friday 16th December 2022, when you will have the chance to show off your talents to the rest of Key Stage 2. You can be a solo act or a group. You can mix it up with friends from other classes. All you need to do to take part is to give your class teacher some vital information by Friday 9th December;
Your own name, and those of other people in your act (and which class they're in), your act's name, what you will be doing and how long you think your performance will last. If you need music, please give us accurate information about the artist and the song/tune. There will be mats on the floor, but if you need anything else (e.g. a table or a chair), please also tell your teacher. You can only take part in one act.
If your act impresses the panel of (not very) scary judges, you might even win a prize!
We're looking forward to seeing what you've got!
Both Year 6 classes have enjoyed an amazing day at Kelham Island Museum, where we have learned about what life was like in Sheffield during WWII. We explored rationing, Anderson shelters and evacuation through hands-on activities lead by the knowledgeable muesum staff. We even managed to avoid most of the rain!
Our DT topic for this half-term is textiles. We will be giving children to opportunity to design and make their own bag, but first things first, we have had our first lesson on sewing!
We have been learning about the circulatory system in Science. We took our new-found knowledge outside to make a working model of an atrium and ventricle (half a heart).
The children in Y6WH have been learning about 4-figure and 6-figure grid references. Using a map of the school grounds, the children used their knowledge of 6-figure grid references to find objects hidden around the school grounds and forest school. We then created our own maps of the Forest School on a grid to help us hone our knowledge of 6-figure grid references. We had a great time and enjoyed our orienteering!
Today, children have been conducting their own research in order to answer the question: What was life in Sheffield like during WW2?
Obviously, that's a very big question, so we broke it up into smaller aspects of life. Children needed to choose one aspect to research, form an interpretation and then share that back to the class so that we get a collective overview. They used curated links on Google Classroom to help them to sift through various sources.
Some ideas for what they could cover were:
1. Role of Women
2. The Sheffield Blitz (bomb shelters, black outs, gas masks, air raids etc.)
3. Home Life (rationing, growing food at home, make do and mend)
4. Evacuation
5. Military presence (conscription, foreign troops, home guard. ‘Mi Amigo’, an American plane, crash landed in Endcliffe Park in 1944)
6. Steel works – bouncing bomb.
7. Jewish refugees
Y6 children have been able to develop street safety by riding their bikes around the local streets this week.