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Autumn 2

Christmas Dinner!

We thoroughly enjoyed our Christmas Dinner together with our party hats on and festive music! This was followed by our class party with music, games and fun! What did you enjoy the most? How do you celebrate at home?


In our RE this week , we have been discussing what gifts we might the baby Jesus if he was alive today. The children had to draw a picture of their gift and explain the reason behind it. The gifts children included a bed, a house, money  and food


Reminder: Your child will now be receiving our lovely, brand new Read, Write Inc home lending books which match the book they are reading in school. They should be read at least three times at home before being changed at school when they have finished the next book in class. Please look after and return these books in good condition for the next child to enjoy. They should be able to read these books and are practising fluency, comprehension and expression when reading them. These are in addition to the weekly picture books which they take home to enjoy being read to by an adult to give them a love of reading. We will no longer be sending home the other reading scheme books such as 'Oxford Reading Tree' until your child is a fluent reader at Grey group level. 


Thank you for your continued support reading with children! We are passionate about helping children become fluent readers who have a love of reading.

We had a great time learning about 2D shapes in maths at the forest school! What shapes did you make? What shapes can you spot?

Class Wide Reward party!


Well done Anansi class on reaching 100 class wide rewards! We celebrated by having a choosing craft and construction afternoon! It was great to see all the skills we have learned in Design Technology been put to use!


Keep up the good work!




In RE we learned about the Christian story of Christmas and thought about whether gifts we had in a bag would be suitable for a baby now or whether they were gifts from the story. Can you remember what gifts the wise men brought in the Christmas story?   

Design Technology

In Design Technology this half term in Y1 we had a letter from the tiny bears in our class asking for us to make a playground for them!

First we had to explore what materials are used in our playgrounds then we learned about joining materials. We built with bricks to make them stable with buttresses. We practised our scissor skills carefully cutting pictures and sticking skills  by gluing, selotaping and blu taking materials. Next we joined cylinder shapes (art straws) and found a good way to do it was to snip a few cuts in the bottom and splay them out to join to another material.

Great design work Anansi, keep practising at home!  
